Sleepy Sunday #47

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh what fun I had...just me and my peeps!But so sleepy...I'll have to fill you in during the week, OK? Have a great sleepy Sunday!


8 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #47"

Dexter said... 9:33 AM

I don't think that will be hard given that the people are watching dumb football already.


Mack said... 10:22 AM

I can't wait to hear all about your Rubycation!

PS: I have a bwankie just like that:)

Unknown said... 12:38 PM

Hi Ruby!!!

What a nice nap -- I'm doing the same thing right now while Mommy catches up on the blogs. Fortunately, Mica is awake and looking over her shoulder and dictating what she should write! Can't wait to see your Halloween costume this year. I had mine on today for the kids party in the neighborhood and lots of people took my photo!

Your pals,

Petey (and Mica too!!!)

Asta said... 9:41 PM

I hope you awe having a fantaboolous vacation.
did you take youw plane?
I suwe miss flying on it
Can't wait to heaw all about it
smoochie kisses

Kelly said... 6:56 AM

I can't wait to hear about your fun trip, Ruby! Rest up!

Martha said... 8:05 AM

Man, you sure look tired! Love, Martha

Duke said... 9:23 AM

You look exhausted, Ruby! We hope all that vacationing is agreeing with you! hehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Casanova said... 9:00 PM

still sleeping ruby?

wet wet licks
