Sleep Sunday #22

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Look who's watching me nap! Bob is going home today :( He's been here all week...we've had fun. I'm going to miss him. Happy napping friends!


15 Responses to "Sleep Sunday #22"

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 10:06 AM

Bye Bob!! Ruby, who will watch you nap now?!

Duke said... 12:34 PM

Look at you in the sun, Ruby! I'd be in the shade with Bob!
Happy napping, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin said... 1:17 PM

oh wow, what a handsome boy!

Bob Rules!

Lucia said... 1:44 PM

Ciao bella Ruby!

I just came back from my Sunday afternoon walkies and had to run over to tell you: I saw la mia amica, Lulu, the Boston Terrier girl -- she looks just like you!! (Well, maybe not quite as sweet and pretty as you, though!!)

Bob looks like a great pal, so I hope you get to see him again soon!

Tanti baci!

Lorenza said... 2:09 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
I am sure you and Bob had a pawesome week!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 3:57 PM

I'm just a little jellyish!

Mr. Puggle® said... 5:35 AM

Bye Bob!

Emily and Ike said... 8:16 AM

Oh no! We'll miss you Bob!

Petra said... 9:03 AM

You're going to miss Bob when he leaves, Ruby, but I'm sure you'll have lots of good memories...and hopefully, he'll come back soon!

Stanley said... 1:53 PM

Ruby Bug!

I've missed you, but I've been catching up on your Sleepy Sundays (you're very cute in all your snoozlelyness).

I have no doubt that you and Bob have been having yourselves a fine time. Sorry he had to go home. Is it possible that your mama will have a little more time to help you blog? We want to hear all about your scoop!

Goober love & smooches,

Dexter said... 4:18 AM

Wait a minute! You have a pool??? Can I come over?


Amber-Mae said... 4:44 AM

I would be sleeping in the shade too. Haha! You sure can take the sun huh Ruby?

Solid Gold "Actress"

Simba and Jazzi said... 8:41 AM

Looks like one of your likes the sun the other the shade.

Simba and Jazzi xx

wally said... 9:17 AM

Bye Bob! I love that snap of you in the sun in the distance.

wally t.

Moco said... 10:04 PM

We hope that you have on your sunscreen.