Sleep Sunday #21

Sunday, June 07, 2009

I'm still here...just napping.
Hope you had a great Sleepy Sunday!


15 Responses to "Sleep Sunday #21"

Lorenza said... 6:29 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
I hope you had a pawesome weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Ralph said... 6:41 PM


I've been doing a lot of that too!


Lucia said... 8:02 PM

Ciao bella Ruby!

Awwwww, Ruby, la mia amica -- nodoggie sleeps as sweetly as you! Mwahh!

Tanti baci!

Noah the Airedale said... 11:10 PM

You are such a good snoozer Ruby.

Noah x

Joe Stains said... 11:14 PM

We miss you Ruby!!

Duke said... 2:33 AM

You look so comfy, Ruby - a cool bed of tile underneath and that warm sun shining down from above!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said... 4:22 AM

I think you had the perfect napping spot there Rubykins!!

P(ee)S: Did you ever get any of that oatmeal??!

Mr. Puggle® said... 9:14 AM

love your ruby logo! very nice. love the pictures.

Petra said... 1:05 PM

I think you are the cutest napper in the world, Ruby!

Moco said... 8:10 PM

You really know how to do a nap. Good job!

Simba and Jazzi said... 7:00 AM

Are you still napping?

Simba and Jazzi xx

Asta said... 6:13 PM

Hi Ruby
I've missed you..wif all this napping I bet you awe even mowe bootiful than evew..don't get sunstwoke!
smoochie kisses

Ronin The Pug said... 3:43 AM

Heeey Ruby! Missed you! This human of mine is just too busy or lazy (I say) to help me keep in touch with my friends!

But here I am on the bloggy!
How are you cutie? I feel so sleepy now looking at your photo... hihihihi!!

Do you have any news form Suki? Is she ok? And Joey? Their Mommy!

Hugs and kisses for you and your Mommy!


Zeus said... 5:42 AM

I hope you're having nothing but good dreams, Miss Ruby! Don't stay out in the sun too long, though - no need for sunburn!

Amber-Mae said... 11:55 PM

Hey Ruby! I bet you were nice & toasty after your session of sun tanning...

Solid Gold Dancer