OH my Dogness!!!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Now I'm not able to have my own puppies and I sometimes am a little sad about that, but I'm not sure if I would want to be a mom to 18!!!!!  OMD!!!!  Poor Button...that's a lot of puppies!!!!

They sure are cute tho' aren't they???


17 Responses to "OH my Dogness!!!"

Mack said... 5:28 PM

At least it wasn't 101 puppies!
(sorry, I just had to say it)

Button looks awfully tired doesn't she?

Lorenza said... 7:42 PM

18 puppies!!! OMD!
Button sure is productive!
Kisses and hugs

Emily and Ike said... 8:55 PM


Asta said... 9:46 PM

18 puppies???ouchhhhh!!!
They suwe awe cute..she should be vewy pwoud..I hope they awe all doing well and will have pawfect fuwwevew homes
smoochie kissesASTA

Huskee and Hershey said... 10:38 PM

WOW... 18 puppies??! Buttons must be one very proud mommy!

Noah the Airedale said... 2:10 AM

18 dalmations....doesn't quite have the same ring to it lol..

We hope Button is going ok. That sure is a lot of puppies.

Noah x

Kelly said... 6:22 AM

Whoa Ruby! I am sure that you're cute little body could never handle that many pups! Don't be sad about never being a Momma... you can always be the 'fun aunt'!

Jen and Suki said... 8:24 AM

More evidence that dogs are way cooler than hoomans! Hoomans can only have like one, two, three pups at a time (I'm barking in general here). But 18! Only a pawsome dog could handle that.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:41 AM

oh we saw this on the BBC TV news here, it was down in England!

They looked amazing on film, my J wanted to have one of the pups, but I am enough for her luckily!

I don't think she is ready for a pup yet!

love from Marvin xxxxxx

Amber-Mae said... 8:51 AM

Holly Molly! I hope I won't have that many when it's my turn!!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Clover said... 9:55 AM

WOW!! And I thought the 15 puppies on 101 Dalmatians was unlikely!!
Love Clover xo

Tadpole said... 4:12 PM

ohmydog - Button is like a superhero!

They are so cuuuuuuute!

Dexter said... 4:49 PM

That sure is a lot of pups. They will certainly need to eat in shifts.


Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said... 8:46 PM

Visit me at www.twinkleboy.blogspot.com !!!

slurpy licks,

Anonymous said... 5:55 AM

WOW - I'm not sure if I've ever heard of a litter that big!

Petra said... 9:13 AM

This news made the Today Show this morning! Woooooooooooo! 18 puppies! Wouldn't it be fun to be in that family?!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said... 2:23 PM

Happy Paw Year, Ruby,

Mum has finally stawted updating my blog!

My gosh, look at all of those puppies: don't let Cruella de Ville find out!

Asta (Oz)