Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chance and Wally love me, they really love me...actually they love my blog - WOOT!!! And I love their blogs too! Thank you so much...this really means a lot to me!!!

I know a lot of you pups have already gotten this great honor, but I'm going to share this with some (notice I say some because there are LOTS more which I love --- a few have received their awards already) of the blogs me and my Mom really love...

Suki, Joe Stains & Tanner, Nanook & Pooka, Fig, and the new IKEA spokes model, Tadpole. We read your blogs everyday!!! They make us happy when we're sad...They make me and my Mom laugh so much that we cry (but we're not sad)!!! They are inspiring and just downright silly! I LOVE YOUR BLOGS!!!! Thanks for sharing them with me and the world!

Lots of Licks, Ruby (and her Mom too)


24 Responses to "I LUV UR BLOG!"

Martha said... 9:28 AM

Your blog is awesome, Ruby. Congrats on the award! Love, Martha

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 11:28 AM

Yaa, Ruby!!! We love ur blog, too!!
Hey, Scruffy rented a Lear Jet to use this weekend to fly Koobie (his main squeeze) to Michigan for the Penn State game. I told him I could fly it, which I'm sure would be true if you could teach me. Directions, Please????

Is there a key? Lacie

Duke said... 11:53 AM

We love your blog, Ruby! It always makes us smile!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Clover said... 12:04 PM

Congrats on the award Ruby! I love your blog too!
Love Clover xo

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:27 PM

Congratulations, you deserve it.

Simba x

Anonymous said... 1:12 PM

You have an awesome blog Ruby!

Poppy said... 1:15 PM

Yay, Ruby! I love your blog too!


The Thuglets said... 2:12 PM

Hello Ruby - nice to meet you. Congratulations on the award. We love your blog too.

The Thugletsx

Asta said... 5:18 PM

You know I LOVE youw blog and what you say is so twue..so many of ouw fwiends hve blogs that make us smile and laugh and sometimes shed a teaw ,but always move us..it's nice to acknowledge that.
Ruby, I can't wait to see youw outfit fow my pawty..I'm getting pwetty excited
smoochie kisses

Suki & Joey said... 5:21 PM

Ruby, THANK YOU!! I'm actually thanking you for TWO things: the pawsome pressies for me and my sisters (the bestest!) and for this "award". I love your blog, too :)

Puggy kisses

Luckie Girl said... 6:14 PM

I love your BLOG too. :) It's a well deserved award my friend.

Lorenza said... 6:17 PM

Hi, Ruby
Of course I love your blog too!

Joe Stains said... 6:21 PM


Lizzy said... 7:09 PM

Chance and Wally aren't the only ones who love your blog. I do too! And that was very kind of you to pass that on to some of your favorite blogs that you love.


Sir Isaac Newton IV said... 7:51 PM

Hi Ruby! Mommy and I love your blog. You are very deserving of this cool award!

Newton :)

Russell said... 8:26 PM

Russell loves your blog also : )

Sophie Brador said... 8:45 PM

This little banner is showing up on everyone's blog. Maybe I'll get one some day too.

Ferndoggle said... 9:07 PM

We love YOUR blog Fantabulous Ruby!! Congrats on the recognition!


Huskee and Hershey said... 9:09 PM

Hi Ruby,
I love to read ur blog and I think you totally deserve to win the award!!
Have a good weekend..

ToFFee said... 10:29 PM

yeah! we love your blog too Ruby.. but we love you the mostest!

congrats! you deserve it!


Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:38 AM

I think you have a great bloggie Ruby. :)

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said... 1:59 AM

We totally LOVE your bloggy Ruby!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jessica said... 3:58 AM

Hey Ruby!! You have been busy. We just got caught up on your blog. You deserve the awesome blog award. Keep on Bloggin!! You make us laugh too.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Bernard Hinault Lilje said... 3:11 PM

Yeah!! We love your blog too-- and not because it was the firstest one we ever read--but because we always know it will have the greatest posts and you are such a popular girl-- we wouldn't expect any less!!
