
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

After many closed door sessions and much deliberation allow me to introduce you to...
my new fake brother (NFB)

It took a while for Mom and I to agree. We got lots of great suggestions that my Mom really liked, but after reading about Boo's new little brother Dopey, it just made sense if he had a Dopey, I needed a Sleepy!

And let's face it that's all he does! SLEEP! I tried playing bitey face and chasing him and playing tug...but I got nothing...he just laid there. Oh and boy does he snore! All the time in fact!!! So Sleepy it is! And something weird about Sleepy...he's not here at least not for the last couple of days. I wonder where he went???? Hmmm....


30 Responses to "Finally..."

Suki & Joey said... 5:22 AM

Did Sleepy finally wake up and run away?!? Oh my gosh, I wonder what happened to him?

I still don't know what kind of dog he is. I would say a pug but his ears aren't dark! :) I hope you find him, Ruby.

Puggy kisses

P.S. I know, I love "the google", too, but this way I can help raise lots of $ to help some needy puggies! :) I bet there's a Boston Rescue you can donate to.

Jessica said... 5:55 AM

Sleepy is perfect and he's the cutest sleeper!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

umekotyan said... 6:42 AM

The season that changes into autumn is a season that becomes sleepy from summer.
I am sleepy.
Slowly, it is time when the tiredness of summer is healed.

from loved ume tyan

Ferndoggle said... 7:49 AM

Sleepy sure looks like the perfect brother to me. I wish Mom would have thought of a NFB before she got Penny & Lola!

Boo Casanova said... 8:15 AM

ruby, i wonder if your brother gonna grow bigger? LOL

can i exchange mine real one with yours??? pretty please.

wet wet licks


Anonymous said... 9:54 AM

Sleepy sure looks content, I bet he is hanging out at Mom's office. Tell her she better take you their for a visit.

Hugs & belly rubs


Frasier said... 11:10 AM

He is cute
Maybe he ran out to get you a gift for being the bestest big sis

Clover said... 11:43 AM

Hi Ruby,
I keep forgetting to post the picture of my FB... he isn't new though. Maybe I will do it tomorrow. Anyway, great name choice, and maybe he is hanging out at the Wag?
Love Clover xo

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said... 12:34 PM

Sleepy, huh? I guess you're gonna have to play tough with him to wake him up.
Ozzie & Rocky

Duke said... 2:09 PM

Hey Ruby,
Frazier told us that you were going to Asta's pawty and so are we! We need a ride. Can you pick us up in your jet? Are you going to Chilli's pawty too?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Randi said... 2:50 PM

AWWW Ruby! I love Sleepy!~ What a wonderful fake brother! I wonder if I could get one too!
Love & Licks,

Frasier said... 3:27 PM

Hi Ruby,
Dont forget us on Air Ruby!By us, I mean the menace and menace I mean Aunty Jezebel!She will be staying over with me that week!

Tadpole said... 4:42 PM

Oh no! Did Sleepy wake up and run away?!

wally said... 4:59 PM

Is sleepy modeled on me? Because I sleep and snore a lot, too. I don't think I could ignore a Ruby, though.


Lizzy said... 5:10 PM

Sleepy sounds like the perfect name for him, if that is all he does! Hmmm, I wonder where he went?


Lorenza said... 6:49 PM

Hi, Ruby
Sleepy is the perfect name for him! Any idea where he went?? Did you look under your mom's bed??
We all want a ride to the parties!!
Have a good night

Stanley said... 6:51 PM

Ruby Bug!!

Bummer about Sleepy? Is he at the WAG?? Keep us posted on your fake bro, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him.

And, yes! I need a ride to Asta's and to Chilli's pawties if you please!!! Can't wait to pawty down on the beach and at the ranch with you, girlie!

Goober love,
Your Stanny

Joe Stains said... 7:13 PM

sleepy is a good name, but how do you lose a dog that sleeps all the time!

Anonymous said... 7:34 PM

Have you ever tried shaking him up to wake him? That works for me. Hmmm, I wonder if Sleepy was dognapped. I'd do some investigatin' if I were you.

Koobuss said... 8:12 PM

What could have happened to Sleepy? Do you think that maybe he woke up and left town? Maybe he's walking to Asta's party because your jet is full. Humph. You better go look for him, Ruby.

Koobuss Kisses,

Huskee and Hershey said... 8:50 PM

Hi Ruby,
Sleepy sure looks cute! (Hmmm.. you got Sleepy, Boo's got Dopey.. I sure hope no one ends up with 'Grumpy'!!)

Girl Girl Hamster said... 11:26 PM

Sleepy sure is a great name for your new brother. Did you find out where did he go?

~Girl girl

Puggle Preston said... 12:26 AM

hee hee..Sleepy is a cool brother to have. He will never steal your food and toy and can play with you whenever you feel like to (even in his sleep). awesome!

Amber-Mae said... 1:11 AM

Hehehehe, Sleepy? I guess that's a good name for him coz he always seems to be sleeping all the time.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:13 AM

I wouldn't mind a brother like that. He doesn't eat your treats or play with your toys. When you've had enough you can rip his stuffing out.

Simba xx

Agatha and Archie said... 8:22 AM

Wow,That's a heck of a brother( and believe me I know!!) Wow,If only Archie would just sleep...Think of the endless possiblilites.....We are getting excited about the party. We bought our cowboy hats and still have more shoppping to do!! Love A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 11:33 AM

Sleepy looks kinda cute. I'd probably have ripped his head off by now though. J x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 5:28 PM

Yo Ruby...I wish Lacie would sleep. When she does, she has one eye open and it's always lookin' at me!! Can we hitch a ride to Asta's and Chilli's Pawties, too? Koob and I are goin' to the Penn State game early on so we should be back in time for you to pick us up and Lacie. That's if Koobie's allowed to go to Chilli's with me..!! You rock, Ruby!!! Scruff

Urban Smoothie Read said... 8:53 PM

seems like he do nothing, but sleep onli...

oh, tat's quiet

Deanna said... 5:24 PM

Maybe Sleepy was kidnapped!