What have I been doing for the last 9 months???

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


OK, maybe not nothing, but things are all about work for Mom which means I don't get to do anything fun anymore. OK maybe I get to go to playcare at The Local Bark, which is fun. OK, it's LOTS of fun.

Yes, this is me smiling because I'm having fun...but do you see that little white guy in the back? Yeah, this guy...
This is the little pest...this is my new brother...Speeeedy. Shocking, I know. I am the princess, the only dog, but now the little pest lives here too. Hogging up the bed at night and making me share my snackies AND my Mom. What is this world coming to????


29 Responses to "What have I been doing for the last 9 months???"

Duke said... 2:16 AM

I know just what it feels like to get a brother, Ruby! You'll get used to him after awhile and learn to love him. I promise!

Love ya lots

Dexter said... 3:31 AM

Not only are you neglected but now you have to play nursemaid to that little white devil? What is the world coming to indeed.


C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 4:47 AM

Squeeeeeeeeee Ruby I love that picture of you! You have a great smile!!
I really think Speeeedy is cute too - I hope you are enjoying having a brother. I wasn't so sure at first when Chew came to live with us, but now I love having a snuggle partner.

Gus said... 4:48 AM

Sibs are the worst and the best. Ask me. I know.


Mack said... 6:32 AM

Just look at that smile on Speeeedy ! He knows how lucky he is!


Jake of Florida said... 8:31 AM

Me too,I remember clearly what it was like when I was the only four-legged inhabitant of this place and got to play catch with Dogdad and had long cuddle sessions with Mom. Now all my toys seem to be my brother's and everytime the humans start to play with me,"he" gets in the act.

It is kind of fun having bark along sessions with him though -- and yeah, if tortured I guess I'd say that he is a pretty cool guy.

So the moral of the story is that you'llget used to the guy and have some fun -- different -- but fun.

Wirey woofs,


Archie and Melissa said... 1:12 PM

hi ruby!
oh how exciting!
we have seen some pictures of speedy on fb.
we are so excited he has joined your pack!
what a lucky pup to have you and your mom!
we cannot wait to read about all of your new adventures!

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said... 11:14 PM

I love that picture ! It is absolutely pawsome !!!

Love Pingy

Shane Kent Louis said... 7:13 PM

Woof! you look so fabulous!

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Teesha and Bindie said... 6:08 AM

Ailsa here, oHHH so glad to see you again, we'll have to move you to the main list again, while you were away they got me a new sister whos a right pest because they thout I might be lonely.so I can understand how you feeling.

Pippa said... 8:12 AM

hello Ruby, good to see you back - and welcome to your new bro


Anonymous said... 3:31 PM

Ruby, dahling! So happy to see you again (okay, I'm a little late in my comments). I appreciate your Mama's comments on my FB page, too. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to. Missed you!

Duke said... 5:38 AM

Hey Ruby,
Do you ever hear from Petra or Tad? I wonder how they're doing?

Love ya lots,

Dexter said... 8:13 AM

Miss Ruby! You are about to be dethroned! This cannot be allowed to happen. Should I come over and give that little so and so a talkin to?


P.S. Thanks for visiting momma's stupid book blog.

James said... 6:52 AM

Hi – Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Boston Terriers Community at vorts.com? Our members will love it.
Members include: Boston Terriers Owners, Breeders, Trainers, and Lovers.
It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website...
You can also add Photos, Videos, Rescues and Classifieds if you like.
Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
The Boston Terriers Community: http://www.vorts.com/boston_terriers/
James Kaufman, Editor

Willis Peyton said... 2:08 PM

All the pics are looking gorgeous thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work.
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Nice photos Belly... just keep it up and share more posts like it.
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Great work,keep it up..
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He is feeling happy to see something for eat.. :)
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I was the only four-legged inhabitant of this place and got to play catch with Dogdad and had long cuddle sessions with Mom. Challenge coins

Duke said... 9:07 AM

Happy Birthday, Ruby! We hope you have an awesome day!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

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World of Animals, Inc said... 3:23 PM

We know that now you will have a fun time with your new brother Speedy. Thanks for sharing the great photos. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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