Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Week in Pictures #3
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sorry I've been away friends...Mom has been at some silly training all week...I sure hope she finally has learned how to roll over like me - BOL. I've been with Auntie Yvette and having a blast...but I just couldn't let a week go by without some pictures of me!!! Unfortunately, I'm afraid they are a bit more on the doofusy side than I would like...

8:55 AM | 11 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- Sleepy Sunday #5
- The Week in Pictures #4
- Sleepy Sunday #4
- Week in Pictures #3
- Sleepy Sunday #3
- The Week in Pictures #2
- A question about my Christmas prezzie...
- Sleepy Sunday #2
- The Week in Pictures #1
- The Knitting of the Prezzies
- Sleepy Sunday 2010 Begins!!!
- Hope you and your family have a wonderful 2010!!!
I'm glad woo've been well taken khare of -
Otherwise, I bet MakhkiePoo would be hunting your mom down!
Happy Friday!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
you could never ever be doofus like, my Ruby!
tell your Mama not to work so hard, she needs time to enjoy your company!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
Ruby...you are doing a good job of putting on various Doofus faces, but we know you are still our bootiful girl
Teka and gussie
Ruby, you're just cute --- no matter what!
I'm so glad you didn't stay home alone while youw mom had to go twain ow wowk..it sounds like staying wif youw aunt is the best..thewe is no way you could evew be doofussy. Obviously , you'we doing facial excewcises
smoochie kisses
Oh little Ruby - you could never be a doofus!
You're beautiful as usual!
Yuh, we know about that training stuff here. Makes momma's mentals fatigued.
You are looking a bit Tanner-esque this week.
You are not even close to doofusy, we love that snaggle tooth.
We love the picture of you showing us toofies!
You could never be a doofus, Ruby! You're too pretty!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Ruby!
Yes, that picture of you showing your toofies is pawesome!
Glad you are having a great time with your Auntie Yvette!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
love your smile ruby!!!!