I'm boycotting...

Friday, September 25, 2009

So my Mom reads this magazine called Better Homes and Gardens. In the October issue, there was an article how on their website they have stencils to make doggie Halloween pumpkins. Sounds fun, right? Well guess what???? They don't have any Boston Terriers!!!! The NERVE! Actually there are a bunch of doggies they don't have!!!! The NERVE! However if you are a puggie or a daschie or a boxer...check it out, I have to admit...very cute. But it would be WAY cuter if there was a BT (or an AireDale or a Wire or a Corgador)!!!!

So I think I should boycott Halloween since there isn't a BT pumpkin...what do you think???


15 Responses to "I'm boycotting..."

Kelly said... 6:37 AM

Ruby, I have to tell you I am partial to that pug stencil! hehehe

But you're right! There should be a BT stencil too! I support you in your boycott!!!

Dexter said... 7:41 AM

Yuh, or maybe a mastiff.


Winnie and Lilly said... 7:42 AM

I agree! If it's not a BT it's just a dog LOL!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 8:01 AM

Hmm, I think you probably should boycott that magazine, but maybe not Halloween - think of all the snackies you will miss!
The pug one is SUPER cute, I can't wait to show my dad. But there really should be a BT one too. :(

Fred said... 8:19 AM

I wonder if there is a Bichon punkin...

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 8:36 AM

Why don't you have your mom (or another pawdult) alter the puggie to be more BT-like? A few less wrinkles, perky ears- voila! We ARE related breeds after all!

The WriggleButts said... 9:24 AM

We certainly thinks there should be a bt one! And a devon rex.

Bajas & Virus

Anonymous said... 10:03 AM

I have that pug stencil all ready to go for this year's pumpkin!!!

Your momma is crafty enough to come up with a BT one on her own, I bet!

Murphy Dogg said... 11:06 AM

Don't boycott Halloween, Ruby! It's too much fun.
Just get your crafty mama on photoshop and I bet she can make a stencil not just of any BT, but of YOU! Tell her to email my mama if she needs any help.
Murphy Dogg

Duke said... 11:56 AM

We think your mom is clever enough and talented enough to make you your very own BT pumpkin, Ruby!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mr. Puggle® said... 3:26 PM

bet they don't have puggles either. :(

Mack said... 4:18 AM

That is just so wrong!

Faya said... 8:32 AM

WHAT ??? No BT, no Airedales ????
I am with you ! I will boycott Halloween too.....
Kisses, Faya

Emily and Ike said... 1:58 PM

Us BTs always get screwed!


They probably don't make one for Maltese's either? Why is it us short guys always get left out?

We say,

Come by and see us, we luuuv BT's! and BLT's for that matter, but mommy won't let us have any cause bacon is bad for our tummies.

Riley and Star.