Sleep Sunday #19

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Missing for another week AND using an archive photo!!! The nerve!!! Guess I can't complain too much, Mom has a long weekend - W00t! We've been hanging outside and snuggling on the couch while she knits. Really can't complain too much about that!!!

Hope you are having a great weekend with your peoples!


13 Responses to "Sleep Sunday #19"

Zeus said... 9:03 AM

I would never have known it was an archive photo if you had not told me! My human pet let out a very long that's-so-cute-sigh when she saw your picture. Have a good, sleep Sunday, Ruby!

Duke said... 9:08 AM

Curious pup minds want to know what your mom is knitting, Ruby!
Doesn't the sun feel so good on your puppy head?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said... 12:52 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sunday!
Glad to know you are enjoying your time with your Mom!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 12:57 PM

That is so beautiful Ruby! Archived or not!

I hope you and your mom have the best Memorial Day ever!

Your Macky

Dexter said... 4:27 PM

Same thing here. Long weekend, lazy mom, lots of snuggles.


Peanut said... 6:26 PM

You look very comfy. I am sure you had a lovely weekend with your mom.

Poppy said... 8:14 PM

I'm having a sleepy Sunday too. I went for a walk this morning, and now I am sleeeeping!


Joe Stains said... 8:53 AM

its just good to see your face, even if its a repeat!

Petra said... 12:54 PM

You are the picture of contentment, Ruby! I'm sure you had a great holiday weekend with your mom.

Moco said... 9:13 PM

That is a great picture of you. Grammie is always knitting too.

Emily and Ike said... 10:47 PM

Moms are really good at cutting corners.

Lou K said... 7:56 PM

Dogs look so peaceful when they are sleeping. My dog Murphy always has this cute little grin. Great picture. Thanks for the post.

Karl and Ruis said... 11:03 PM

Hi Ruby - we hope you don't mind - we are using your Air Service to fly to our Anniversary destination, First Class! We had such good experience with Air Ruby that it was a no-drainer to reserve our flights with you...
Karl and Ruis