Sleepy Sunday #7

Sunday, February 15, 2009

OK, maybe not a sleepy Sunday...maybe an almost sleepy silly Sunday - hee hee hee!!!



25 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #7"

Gus said... 7:48 AM

lovely pose. Left over from the Valentine photo shoot? WWWWWOOOO


Dexter said... 10:29 AM

Ruby! Momma met a little BT gal like you yesterday. She said she was just the prettiest, sweetest little thing. Maybe she should get me one of my own...


Jen and Suki said... 11:55 AM

You sure are cute and sweet. Also, nicely placed paw print. Gotta keep it Pu-G rated!

Lorenza said... 12:08 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Silly Almost Sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said... 1:06 PM

yay! another beauteous photo of my darling Ruby!

Belated Happy Valentine's Day Ruby and Mama!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxx

Asta said... 1:30 PM

Must have been quite a valentine's day, heheh
smoochie kisses

Bijou said... 2:15 PM


I have been checking out your blog and really like your style. I hope you had a great Valentine's Day and a relaxing Sleepy Sunday.

Anyways, just wanted to say "Hi".

Kelly said... 6:43 AM

hehehe Ruby, I love the censoring! I hope you had a great Valentines Day, cutie pie!

Petra said... 8:36 AM

Silly Sundays are almost as much fun as sleepy Sundays! I think I have a few more spots on my underside than you do, Ruby!

Clover said... 9:30 AM

Hi Ruby!
Happy belated Valentine's day!! I love silly Sunday! Great snaggle tooth. I am going to get mom to help me go on AC today, (maybe around 4pm my time, 1pm your time...) hope I see you there!
Love Clover xo

Fred said... 10:53 AM

You look pretty sleepy to me! I *heart* belly rubs, too!

Moco said... 7:55 PM

Sleeping or not you are one good looking diva.

Duke said... 2:44 AM

OMG, we love that little snarl, Ruby! Does someone need more zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Martha said... 3:19 AM

How could you sleep when you have Mack to think about? :) Love, Martha

Mack said... 4:59 AM

Now that is one beeeyoootiful BT!

Amber-Mae said... 6:22 AM

Ruby exposed! Hehehe!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said... 5:37 PM

That is not a lady-like position. Still it is very comfy I have found. And you might get a belly rub if you stay there long enough!
Riley the Catahoula

Poppy said... 6:47 PM

Ha ha! I think it's funny that you have a blue paw covering your pee knob. I thought only boy doggies had to do that!


Emily and Ike said... 8:18 PM

The paw print on your pootie made me laugh!

Bae Bae said... 10:55 PM

Hope you had a nice sleep

~ Bae

Stanley said... 12:40 AM


What a bootiful pinup of my Boston girlie! Whew!

Goob love,

Boo Casanova said... 1:05 AM

hi ruby!

is your mom still busy AC'ing? my human been playing animal crossing everyday too. i wonder if you got all the fruits already.

wet wet licks


Gus, Louie and Callie said... 4:03 PM

You look so comfy.. Great shot..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Emily and Ike said... 6:14 PM

OMD! I AireRuby available this weekend? Tanner is supposed to come and visit and I haven't arranged a flight!!!!!!!

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said... 7:56 AM


slurpy licks,