Sleepy Sunday #19

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Oh, the wedding was so bootiful. I just cried and cried. Stupid Mom forgot to send the camera with fault I suppose since I usually rely on my diva pal Asta for all the photography and she's had much more important things to be doing this weekend (feel better Daddi). Anyhowl it was very lovely and I think the bride and groom were just a little surprised when we showed up to be their witnesses. It was so cute seeing Lilly and Tanner together...he tries to be so suave, but well, he's still a bit of a doofus. Oh and it was also Sophie's barkday too!!! Joe was so happy he didn't have to miss her barkday...those two sweet. I sure hope you liked the special cake we had for you on Aire Ruby Sophie!!! I promise for the next pawty I will remember the camera.

Barking of next pawties...It's both Sophie and Dixie's barkday coming up - W00t! Sophie is going to take a little break from the tough job of judging SNPM contest to show us around Indianapolis on June 15th to celebrate their barkdays. She's got a whole iternary will be so much fun. Hey, maybe Dixie will whip up some of those yummy pumpkin cookies for us??? Leave a comment if you want Aire Ruby to pick you up for the big that the Indy500 is over, maybe we could land there?

OK, back to napping. I'm a little annoyed today...Mom is going out to this fancy-shmancy place for dinner called The Kitchen tonight...and she's NOT taking me!!! H-E-L-L-O...we already have a kitchen!!!


18 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #19"

Clover said... 7:33 AM

Hi Ruby!
The wedding was really fun! Thanks for bringing us along on Air Ruby!
Now I am really excited for Sophie & Dixie's birthday!
Love Clover xo

Duke said... 7:45 AM

We had a blast crashing Joey and Tanner's mom and dad's wedding! The food was to-die-for! We always have the best time on your luxury jet, Ruby. Count us in for Sophie and Dixie's birthday bash! We can't wait to hear more details! It's going to be FUN!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 8:00 AM

Ruby thanks for picking me up for the wedding I had a blast yes, the bride was bootiful and soooo mush food. Sign me up for Sophie & Dixie's pawty pwease.
Your mom is not mean she needs some quality time with her other fwends.

Hugs, bellyrubs,smoochies

Mack said... 8:14 AM

Hey Lovely Lady!

Wasn't that the most beautiful wedding ever? And the plane was top notch as always! You went all out with the liver and goat cheese hor'derves and the cavier snackies!
Please sign me up for Sophie & Dixie's party too. I can't wait!

Wouldn't it be great if while your mom went out tonight you & I could go on a date?? ***sigh***
How far away is California? :(
Love ya,

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 1:54 PM

OMD! we are so excited for our pawty!!!! Can't wait to see who will come to Indy!!!! Thanks for doing the flight, Ruby!

Lorenza said... 7:24 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I want to go to Sophie and Dixie's party too!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 8:20 PM

Sob...sob...more kleenex, Ruby...oh my...that wedding was a real tear jerker!!! Wasn't the bride bootiful and the groom so handsome?? Those toys were the loudest things I've ever heard...good idea!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the air transportion on Aire Ruby...I wanna apologize for Babystan and Scruffy's behavior on the flight. Using a straw and blowing bubbles out their long terrier noses was really disgusting...I don't know who taught them that. Thank heavens you forgot the camera!!

We'd love to go to Sophie and Dixies pawty!!! Sign us up!!!!!



Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:43 AM

That sure sounds like a pawsome pawty. You look very cute in the white dress in the previous post.

~ Girl girl

Moco said... 3:44 AM

Rest well sweet princess as we have many places to go in the next few weeks.

Petra said... 9:09 AM

Oh boy, I'm exhausted from the weekend. Thanks for being such a great escort; how you keep things organized is amazing to me. You picked everyone up and got us to the wedding in plenty of time to crash it.

It was a beautiful wedding and I ate too much and now I'm paying for it, but we sure had a good time!

Myeo said... 6:45 PM

We would love to go to Sophie & Dixie party. Please pick us up. Thank you.

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said... 10:21 PM

Hi Ruby,
Sleep tight and sweet dreams..

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:47 AM

I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.

Simba x

Emily and Ike said... 9:05 AM

I can't believe you forgot the camera!

Asta said... 9:16 AM

Petey is not sweet on me..he's mowe like a bwuvvew..we play, he gwowls , but is wagging his tail and liking the game anyway, hehehe
smoochie kisses

Harry said... 10:02 AM

Hope your mum brought a doggy bag back from The Kitchen!

You looked adorable in your tutu dress by the way.

Toodle pip
Harry x

wally said... 5:40 PM

If I had a busy social life like you'd I'd be napping like that all week!


Kodak the Eskie said... 8:46 PM

Get lots of sleeps! Glad the wedding was fun!!

Hugs, Kodak