A whole bunch of firsts...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hey Pups...

So sorry I've been so slow to post about my very busy weekend. What with all the traveling, I needed just a little R&R . I have to say tho, this was probably the most excitering weekend ever-W00t! It was certainly a weekend filled with firsts...

Let's see...it was the first time I visited Australia with all my pup friends for Willow and Putter's barkdays. That was a total blast!!! And closer to home it was...

  • The first time Mom and I went on a roadtrip together
  • The first time I visited Lake taterTahoe
  • The first time I ever saw snow
  • The first time I eated a pine cone, a potato chip and some cherries...LOTS of fun eatables!
and last but certainly not least...
  • The first time I met baby Maddy - W00t!!!
So where to start...well, Mom and I headed out early Saturday for the bootiful drive up Route 80 to Lake taterTahoe...actually we were closer to Donner Lake in Truckee, CA. As we were driving up it was very pretty and I gots to see all this white stuff which was snow. Mom also told me all about this scawie story about those Donner people who ate each other...yikes! Too bad for Mom, fortunately for me Mom didn't say anything about them eating any Boston Terrorists!!!

Once we gots there we were greeted by Uncle Mark, Bob and Cooper!!! I was so excitered to see Bobbers and Cooper...I've missed them...especially Bob. He is the coolest doggie ever...we just LOVE to play. Maddy and Auntie Michele were napping so we just hung out on the deck and I gots to see snow up close and very pawsonal. It is so cool...literally!!!

Unfortunately, Mom didn't let me roam free...something about me running away and becoming a bear snackie...AS IF!!! But I was on a really long leash and did get to wander where I discovered the amazing delicacy that is pine cones. Not the big giant ones...those were cool too. Nope, I talking about the teeny-tiny ones, very crunchy, very delicious. Mom was VERY worried that I was going to barf up baby pine cones...but nope! I'm just dreaming of their delicious crunchiness now....ahhhh.

Anyway, we hung out for a while and than the bestest part...Maddy!!!! W00t!!!! Isn't she just the cuterest? Unfortunately she's still too little to provide me with any snackies (but the baby pine cones made up for that). But I had a lot of fun watching her. I do think I scared her a little when I was talking to Bob (we tend to talk quite loudly). But I can tell, when she gets older we are going to be the bestest girlfriends!

Let's see what else...I went to the store with Uncle Mark and Mom...that was fun. Oh and we had lunch...I never knew potato chips were so yummy! Oh and than came the walkie...

So you pups know I love to go walking, right? Well, I'm never going walking up in Lake taterTahoe again!!! It was HOT!!!! So very, very HOT!!! In fact it was so HOT that it almost burned my little paw pads off! I'm not joking!!!! Silly Mom just kept going, and here I am shaking my paws because it was HOT. She's totally ignoring me...if I had opposable thumbs and a cell phone I would have called the ASPCA!!! (Ruby's Mom: Ruby!!!). Well she finally figured it out and we headed back to the cabin. Bob and Cooper kept going...but only for a little while. Their paws were hurting too! And to think our silly hoomans said we were wimps!!! Nope!!! Just a lot smarter than they were!

So the three of us (and Mom and Auntie Michele) headed back and that's where I truly enjoyed the snow...I just rolled and rolled in it and dug and dug...and laid down...ahhhhh. Such relief. For some reason Mom and Auntie Michele were NOT amused. But who cares...it felt so much better.

After all that excitement it was time for a nappy.

Next thing I know everyone was fixing dinner. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed inside during dinner...hmpffffff!!! No fair. But it really was nice outside. I really loved it, but need to show a pathetic, sad face anyway to see if I could score anymore snackies!!!

After dinner I did get to come inside, but was so tired I just napped. Next thing I knew it was time for bed and boy was I happy about that!!!Next morning Mom and I were up really early...Bob too and even though it was a little chilly we hung out on the deck. You know what...there are TONS of birdies up in the trees!!! Lots and lots and I didn't notice them on Saturday...must have been the excitement of meeting Maddy and all. But so cool. Mom tried to get some pictures, but she did a sucky job at it. But trust me, they were SO cool.
We only stayed up at the cabin for the morning on Sunday and than came home. It was a short visit, but so much fun!!! I was so beat that I slept all the way home, and than when I got home slept some more. In fact I was SO tired that Mom had to wake me up for dinner...can you imagine!

Anyhowl...it really was a blast! Thank you Uncle Mark, Auntie Michele, Maddy, Bob and Cooper for letting me come hang out. I hope I wasn't too crazy and Mom wasn't too much of a pain - LOL. And I really hope we can do it again...maybe when there is snow. That would be so much fun!!!(Ruby's Mom: NOT!!!)


20 Responses to "A whole bunch of firsts..."

Asta said... 10:04 AM

What a gweat weekend!!!babyMaddie is the cutewest , pwettieset little hooman giwl I've evew seen..and that place looks gweat..I'm so glad you got to twy out all that stuff..awen't chips fabulous???

I pwefew snow to hot and so does Mommi...I wish I could have been thewe
smoochie kisses,

Anonymous said... 10:54 AM

You were so tired your mom had to wake you for dinner?! Wow you must have had a blast Ruby!


Peanut said... 10:58 AM

Oh wow what a weekend. How exciting. I love pinecones too. I can't believe you had never had one before.

Nevis said... 10:58 AM

Ruby! Great to meet you! You're very cute!

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 11:07 AM

OMD OMD OMD Lake taterTahoe sounds so kewl!!!! We are glad your feetsies are ok!

Ferndoggle said... 11:42 AM

How so super cool that you got to go on a trip with your Mom. Sherman did that once. I may get to go on one of those trips one day too. I'm totally jealous!


Moco said... 11:58 AM

What a wonderful trip to see baby Maddie and eat pine cones. I understand why you were so tired.

Mack said... 12:47 PM

What a BLAST you had!!

Baby Maddie is just about the cutest thing ever (You of course are #1).

I think I would absolutely love to go on a trip like that with my mom. I think I will have a little talk with her about that.

Was this your first time with SNOW? My mom keeps telling me about it - but I can't imagine how fun it must be!!!

Okay love, I guess I'll be seing you at the skating party this weekend. I can't wait!!


Lizzy said... 2:47 PM


I bet you had a BLAST! And you've never seen snow?! I can't believe it! Snow's awesome, isn't it?!

I hope you have a GRRRReat weekend!


Tadpole said... 3:21 PM

That little doll Maddie is as cute as a button!

Sounds like you had a super fun time! Except for the burning paws part - how awful that your mom wasn't paying attention!! At least you found some snow to cool off in. :-)

Stanley said... 3:33 PM

Ruby Bug!

I am SO PLEASED you got to finally experience the gooberlicious wonder that is SNOW! I LOVE it, and can think of nothing better to roach around in. It sounds like you could do with a periodic snow fix!

Baby Maddy is STINKIN' cute, and it looks to me like you two are going to be BFF. Bob and Cooper are very cool for sharing their hooman pup and peeps with you for the weekend.

Tell your mama that you are NOT a wimp, just smart. Hoomans wear shoes for a reason. We don't.

Rest up and have a great weekend this weekend, okay?

Goober love & smooches,

Duke said... 4:20 PM

Maddy is just adorable, Ruby!
We're so glad you got to play in the snow, even if it was just a teeny bit! It's a total blast, isn't it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said... 5:14 PM

That is one beautiful baby! I love babies. Their heads smell good. What a great time you had. Your mom is lucky to have such a good traveling mate.


Amber-Mae said... 9:24 PM

Wow, looks like you had a pawsome weekend! Ugh, you should have been allowed to be off-leash. Then you can be a wild doggie! That little hairless hooman pup is so cute!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

umekotyan said... 1:04 AM

Hello ruby.
The baby is lovely.
And, I feel a wonderful, busy enjoyment on the weekend. :)

from loved ume tyan

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:08 AM

What a great weekend. The human puppy is very cute. Hope this weekend is just as good, maybe a bit more nap time lol.

Simba x

Joe Stains said... 2:00 PM

wow! snow, potato chips, cute babies, sounds like a super fabulous weekend to me!!!

Noah the Airedale said... 3:23 PM

What a great road trip you had Ruby. Sounds like heaps of fun especially catching up with your doggie mates.
The snow sounds great. We hope to have some this winter....hmmm we wont be holding our breath though.
Thanks for sharing the neat pics.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Petra said... 7:27 AM

OMD how could you keep your little paws and smoochy lips off of little Maddy? She is the cutest little girl!

I'm happy that your road trip was so much fun. Except for the hot, burning, ouchy paws, it sounds like you had a perfect time!

WinstonBerry said... 4:55 PM

What an awesome road trip and great photos!!! I'm so gald you had such a fun time! I hope you get to go again, too! (maybe when it snows...??)

Winnie :-)