I couldn't believe it, I'm a finalist for a 2007 Weblog Award for Best Pet Blog!!! And for the first time, my stage-Mom (Ruby's Mom: Ruby!) didn't even nominate me! I'm so honored, I'm so shocked and I'm so very very happy!!! Thanks!!!
What's really cool is I am a finalist along with three of my most favorite blogging buddies - Butchy & Snickers and Boo Casanova!!! Is that not the most exciting thing!!! Woot!!!
So here's the deal...voting started today and goes thru next Wednesday. Winners are announced next Thursday - November 8th. You can vote once per day, per computer. You know what THAT means??? You can vote for all of us - no need to worry about playing favorites!!!! So get out there and vote...and vote often!!!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog...
Hey Ruby, I'll be voting for all of you! Congrats on the nomination! J x
I guess I am prejudice because we have 16 computers at work and I am going to vote on each one, I hope Butchy & Snickers and Boo understand, but, I can also vote for them I think, so I will try.
Congratulations to all
holy crud congratulations this is Pawesome!
You have my vote!
Congrats Ruby! I'll vote for you!
Congratulations on the nomination Ruby - and best of luck with the contest.
We have already voted today but promise to vote for you tomorrow.
Good luck Ruby.
Simba x
I'm off to read all about it, congrats!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
woofies Ruby, me jus voted for u, and will da other 2...me likies to vote fur thingys...
b safe,
Good luck Ruby.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Conpugulations!! We voted for you. Yay for you.
Congrad's that is just awesome... Best of luck to you...gus and louie
Hi Ruby!
We went for a walk on over to the Voting Poll and Pawed in votes for you! Good Luck.
Frankie Grrl and Maddie the Chocolate Lab Bunny
I voted!
Hi Ruby, Congratulations on being in the running! that's so exciting. and it's nice of you to tell us to vote for everyone. and we will! we will vote for you and Butchy & Snickers too.
happy woofers.
Ruby Bug!
I'm ON IT! You know, you're so deserving of this award. I'm going to see what I can do to promote you too!
Goober love,
Wow, congratulations Ruby! That's totally awesome! I hope you win!
Well deserved indeed! You go GIRL!! :)
Ruby, congrats! I will vote for each of you everyday...I like to be fair to my friends!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congratulations Ruby !
Kisses, Faya
Hey Ruby
Congrats on the nomination!
ps. you look SWEET and classy in pearls and frilly wool. hehe
Good Luck Ruby! I will vote tomorrow, only just got back from an adventure in Yorkshire.
Hotels, strange pee mails and parents enjoying themselves, hence my silence this last few days!
More tomorrow, just wanted to touch base and let you know I not forgotten you.
I will vote properly tomorrow, I promise! You deserve to win!
love and tired licks, Marvin xxxxxx
hey Ruby,
You have my votes! hope you win!
Oh Ruby! Congrats on the nomination! I guess its that time of year for the annual bloggy awards...& you are definately blog-worthy! I'll vote when I can!
Love & Licks,
Good luck!!
Oh this is pawsome. I hope you or any of the DWB friends win
~ Girl girl
Very, it is a vote that should worry.
However, it votes on ruby.
It holds out. :)
from loved ume tyan
I would like to through my hat in the ring as your personal Napoleon Dynomite.
Russ Sez, "Vote for Ruby"
Hi Ruby!
Sweeet deal, good luck in the contest. You surely deserve the nomination!
Love Clover xo
Hi Ruby
We will keep voting.Mommy has a billion blogs and she will keep voting
Hi, Ruby
Congratulations on your nomination. Sure you deserve it! I am going to vote right now!
Good luck
Its me again.
Thanks for your beautiful card. It made me so happy!
Congwatulations! That's a big honow and you desewve it along with ouw othew fwiendz, but I was distwessed to see how some unknown howse is agead..we have to get out the vote!!
smoochie kisses
Hey Ruby,
Good Luck and congratulations! I just went and voted for you and i'll do it again tomorrow!
Love Toby