Sleepy Sunday #16

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Happy Mother's Day
As a special gift for my Mom, I'm going to be doing this today...
So she can do whatever she wants!!!


17 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #16"

Mack said... 8:14 AM

Oh Ruby,
You are the perfect dogter!
Sugars to you and momma today.

Have a great day cutie!!

wally said... 9:38 AM

Ruby! You're still my friend! And I'm not even jealous that my ma ape went all woobly when she saw that picture of you and wanted to give you a kiss on the noggin.

Happy Mama's Day!


Duke said... 9:55 AM

Awwwwwwwww, you're one sweet girl, Ruby! Happy mother's day to your mom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 10:17 AM

Beautiful Ruby!!! Happy Mom's day to woo mom! Oh, and can Tia and I get a reservtion to Putter's pawty?

Moco said... 10:38 AM

Always thoughtful!

BenTheRotti said... 1:10 PM

Oh Goodness!! and I thought you couldn't get any cuter!! How wrong can a dog be??

Happy Momma's Day to your Mom and slobbery smooches for you both

Ben xxxx

Lorenza said... 3:35 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Sure this is a great present for your mom!
Happy Mother's Day! Give her lots of kisses and hugs from us, ok?

Clover said... 4:45 PM

What a good thoughtful daughter you are, Ruby! Happy mother's day to your mom! :)
Love Clover xo

Noah the Airedale said... 7:00 PM

You're just so thoughtful Ruby...the pawfect pup.
Happy Mothers Day!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Maya and Kena said... 7:26 PM

Hi Ruby!
Aww... what a cute pic of you!
And you are very thoughtful! Did your mommy like the gift?
Happy Mother's Day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Amber-Mae said... 9:35 PM

Happy Mother's Day to your mommies!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said... 10:20 PM

You awe a doll!!!
Happy Mother's Day to youw Mom

sweet dweams to you
smoochie kisses

Petra said... 7:08 AM

No wonder your mom loves you so much, Ruby!

Ronin_The_Pug said... 8:04 AM

What a good Ruby you are! That's why your Mommy looooves youuuu!!!

Sophie Brador said... 9:16 AM

Ah Ruby, Glad to see you are still so cute. Mom isn't doing much for commenting action these days. She's been super busy. But we are always happy to check in and see your cutie patootie schnozzle woz.


WinstonBerry said... 12:43 PM

Hi Ruby!
You look like a little angel! I'm sure your mom enjoyed her present!

Happy Mother's Day, Ruby's mom!

Winnie :-)

Stanley said... 5:09 PM

You are fetchingly bootiful today, Miss R-Bug!

Goob love,