Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's my Auntie Pearl's barkday today...I hope you have a great day Auntie Pearl with lots and lots of snackies and kisses!


18 Responses to "Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl..."

Kelly said... 6:55 AM

Happy Barkday to my name-twin! I hope it's the bestest barkday ever!

Putter said... 7:12 AM


I hope all is wellest Ruby! When is the next flight?! I so love flying AIRERUBY!

Love, Putter ...:)

Duke said... 9:45 AM

Happy birthday to Auntie Pearl! We hope she gets treats and ice cream!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said... 10:02 AM

Yes! Yes! Yes! Happy Birthday to Auntie Pearl!

Peanut said... 10:26 AM

Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl

Anonymous said... 10:41 AM

Thank you Ruby

Hugs, bellyrubs & smoochies


Moco said... 1:41 PM

Happy Barkday Auntie Pearl. We wish you the very best any day could bring.

Mack said... 1:51 PM

What a wonderful picture of your auntie!!

I hope Pearl has a great barkday!

Eric said... 2:47 PM

Happy barkday Aunty Pearl.You look like you deserve a million snackies and kissies!

Wiry wags, Eric xxx

Joe Stains said... 3:48 PM

We will head right on over to share the birthday fun times.

wally said... 5:53 PM

You have one good looking family, Ruby! Happy Burpday Ms. Pearl!

wally t.

Lorenza said... 5:57 PM

Happy Birthday to Pearl!
Kisses and hugs

Bogart H. Devil said... 8:41 PM

Happy Birthday Auntie Pearl!!!


Bella the Boxer said... 9:12 PM

OMG! I have a picture of a pug on my blog today, too! How pug-a-licious. (Please say "happy birthday" to Auntie Pearl from me.)

xoxo - Bella

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:15 AM

A very happy barkday to your auntie Pearl.

Simba x

Bae Bae said... 1:33 AM

Oh Happy Birthday to Pearl

~ Bae

Clover said... 7:44 AM

Oh thanks for telling us Ruby! I will pop over with belated B-day wishes. :)
Love Clover xo

Petra said... 10:16 AM

Ruby, you are right. I need a much more girly collar especially because my name isn't girly and sometimes I get called a boy. Maybe I'll put that on my Christmas list...