Funny Foto Friday

Friday, November 07, 2008

Not my best Kodak moment.
Have a happy Friday and a great weekend.


26 Responses to "Funny Foto Friday"

Duke said... 2:28 AM

Do you have English Bulldog blood running through your veins, Ruby?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The WriggleButts said... 2:53 AM

Hehehe... We all have our less photogenic moments even when you've got loads of photoGENES like you! (Rememer the doofus effect on mom's camera phone? Perhaps it's something similar..)


Ferndoggle said... 5:17 AM

Bwhahahahahahaaaa! Lola's teeth do that all the time and we all laugh & laugh & laugh! Good to know even you divas have off days...


FleasGang said... 6:14 AM

You kinda look like a vampire BT! But at least your teethies are nice and white :-)


Kelly said... 8:19 AM

Oh Ruby! We giggled really hard at that one!

Petra said... 8:20 AM

OK, I have to admit that this isn't your best photo, Ruby ~~ but at least it's Friday!

Faya said... 8:25 AM

Hahahaha so funny ! But even like this you are still cute Ruby ... have a nice week-end,
Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Poppy said... 9:28 AM

Oh my goodness, Ruby. That is quite a look. It's a super-double-snaggle!


Eduardo said... 9:42 AM

WaaaaHaaaaHaaaaa, Now that makes a Fantastic Friday!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

the Corgi Girls said... 11:07 AM

BOL, you have fangs, girl!

M & I

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 11:35 AM

That's fang-tastic, hehehe! J x

Peanut said... 11:37 AM

hahahaha we love it.

Amber-Mae said... 11:42 AM

Oh my gosh! So FUNNY! Nice teefies girl...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lizzy said... 12:43 PM


Girl, what's with your teeth?!


Eric said... 5:00 PM

Hee,hee!Flash those pearly white fangs! Wags, Eric x

Boo Casanova said... 6:15 PM

oh ruby, your mom is so mean by showing this pic to the whole dog world! but it is funny!

wet wet licks


Lorenza said... 6:26 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Your picture made us laugh a lot!
I hope you had a happy friday!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said... 6:57 AM

You're a week too late! Halloween vampires have retired for another year.

You're still pretty darn adorable...

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Moco said... 10:44 AM

Any photo of you is worth seeing. You do have a strange looking mouth though.

Bella the Boxer said... 1:32 PM

Hey, cute teefh!! (Tell your Mom to put it into your contract that you want to be airbrushed from now on...that's what all the other diva supermodels do!)

xoxo - Bella

P.S.: On second thought, don't do any airbrushing. I like you just the way you are!!

leah said... 3:36 PM

That totally cheered me up. Hee hee! What a priceless photo!

Emily and Ike said... 8:21 PM


Mack said... 7:22 AM

I think it is beautiful!!

Dexter said... 4:04 PM

Ruby! I almost didn't recognize you. That is a very fierce photo.


Anonymous said... 5:48 AM

hahha - Clementine can pull this off sometimes, I think it's hilarious.

CoCo said... 10:39 AM

I think that your little snaggles gives you soooo much character. Definitely a Kodak moment!
