Not my best Kodak moment.
Have a happy Friday and a great weekend.
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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12:00 AM | 26 Belly Rubs
Do you have English Bulldog blood running through your veins, Ruby?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hehehe... We all have our less photogenic moments even when you've got loads of photoGENES like you! (Rememer the doofus effect on mom's camera phone? Perhaps it's something similar..)
Bwhahahahahahaaaa! Lola's teeth do that all the time and we all laugh & laugh & laugh! Good to know even you divas have off days...
You kinda look like a vampire BT! But at least your teethies are nice and white :-)
Oh Ruby! We giggled really hard at that one!
OK, I have to admit that this isn't your best photo, Ruby ~~ but at least it's Friday!
Hahahaha so funny ! But even like this you are still cute Ruby ... have a nice week-end,
Kisses, Faya & Dyos
Oh my goodness, Ruby. That is quite a look. It's a super-double-snaggle!
WaaaaHaaaaHaaaaa, Now that makes a Fantastic Friday!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
BOL, you have fangs, girl!
M & I
That's fang-tastic, hehehe! J x
hahahaha we love it.
Oh my gosh! So FUNNY! Nice teefies girl...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Girl, what's with your teeth?!
Hee,hee!Flash those pearly white fangs! Wags, Eric x
oh ruby, your mom is so mean by showing this pic to the whole dog world! but it is funny!
wet wet licks
Hi, Ruby!
Your picture made us laugh a lot!
I hope you had a happy friday!
Kisses and hugs
You're a week too late! Halloween vampires have retired for another year.
You're still pretty darn adorable...
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Any photo of you is worth seeing. You do have a strange looking mouth though.
Hey, cute teefh!! (Tell your Mom to put it into your contract that you want to be airbrushed from now on...that's what all the other diva supermodels do!)
xoxo - Bella
P.S.: On second thought, don't do any airbrushing. I like you just the way you are!!
That totally cheered me up. Hee hee! What a priceless photo!
I think it is beautiful!!
Ruby! I almost didn't recognize you. That is a very fierce photo.
hahha - Clementine can pull this off sometimes, I think it's hilarious.
I think that your little snaggles gives you soooo much character. Definitely a Kodak moment!