Sleepy Sunday #39

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ahhh, the last of the the warm sun. It's still been pretty warm in the afternoon to nap outside...but it is getting colder everyday. Hope you pups have a great sleepy Sunday.
Oh and guess Mom is off from work for a whole 10 days - W00t!!!


16 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #39"

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 7:53 AM

Hi dearest Ruby!

I could hardly make you out in the photo, what fantastic camoflage!

I am back, blogging that is, we are trying it again for a while.

You are always welcome on my blog, sorry to have been so absent, just life got in the way.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxx

Mack said... 8:19 AM

What a sweet pic! Hope you have a great napping day!!

Woof ya,

Snowball said... 8:53 AM

Yawn... you are making sleepy, Ruby. Have a good nap.


Clover said... 9:47 AM

Happy Sunday Ruby!!
You look so cute sleeping outside in the sun. I am jellyfish! It is definitely too cold to do that here now.
Have a pawesome time with your Mom on her days off!
Love Clover xo

Joe Stains said... 10:11 AM

Enjoy your sunshine, come see us if you start to miss it too much :)

Lorenza said... 12:58 PM

Happy Sleepy Sunday Ruby!
I am sure you are going to have lots of fun these 10 days with your mom!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said... 3:27 PM

Mom is wishing she was you right now, Ruby! Soak up all of that nice warm sun you can!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The WriggleButts said... 11:58 PM

That looks pretty comfy. I can assure you nobody would nap outside here (well except furry dogs like Khyra, I suppose). It's windy and freezing and soo cold today. I just sendt Mom off to school and I hope she didn't get blown far away.


Bae Bae said... 12:37 AM

It's not getting colder at my side. If you feel too cold and wanna be warm you can come visit me Ruby. ;)

~ Bae

Kelly said... 7:25 AM

Ruby, you are such a sweet little napper! Have fun with your mom this week- it's the BEST when they're off!!!

Petra said... 9:24 AM

YEA for your mom being home with you for 10 days! I know you're going to have a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with your company, Ruby. Rest up; they'll be coming soon!

Anonymous said... 9:42 AM

You're so lucky to have warm sun Ruby! Its cold here!!!!

Emily and Ike said... 12:35 PM

OMD! I am sooooo jealous!

Eduardo said... 2:58 PM

sleep good!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lizzy said... 7:20 PM


You look so peaceful there, resting in the sun... It's COLD here now, no warmth left in the sunlight at all... But I'm looking forward to snow...


Technodoll said... 12:25 PM

Oh we're all about sleepy sundays... in fact, sleepy any day of the week is gorgeous!

Happy 10 days off to your mama :-)