You have but one important job to do today...
Get your people to VOTE!!!
Then you can nap.
Oh, and eat snackies.
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
Dogster Profile | Blogger Profile
Send me Pee-mail...
12:00 AM | 11 Belly Rubs
Oh Rubes, I wish I had thought of leaving you a message in the Chat box sooner - I tried leaving you a message at 6 this morning but I thought it was home computer!! Sorry!
Love Clover xo
Mom voted almost 2 weeks ago. She doesn't like long lines.. Dad voted already too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Ruby, we are barking you on thi side of the pond too.
Your costume was fab..and you gave away ALL that candy? WOW! Not even a sneaky one for you?
wags, Eric
We can't vote here in Canada, but we are looking forward to hearing the results!
Ruby, I hope you had a happy voting day!
Kisses and hugs
yeah.. Nervousness is understandable! Sleepyness is getting more and more the thing around here. So we'd love to be guest stars!
now you can snack and sneep to youw heawt's delight!!!
Love you sweet fwiend
smoochie kisses
Ruby, vote, nap and snackies sound pawfect!!
Your dragonfly costume looks pawsome!! We've never seen it!! So cool!
Momo & Pinot
Can you believe it??????
Yes we did!!!!
Jake and Just Harry
HAHA! Good choice! GO OBAMA!
Nice blog too BTW!
Please check out mine, maybe be a follower too???? doxidoggybloggy.blogspot.com
Don't forget to take a sec to sign my guestbook so I know you came by!