Maybe it's the fact that we've moved and have more room or maybe it's because I'm coming into the creative phase of my life (I'm 2 and a half now) but Mom and I have been project C*R*A*Z*Y lately - W00t! So over the next couple of days I'll share with you some of the things Mom and I have been working on. First up...the Little Houses!!!!
So a couple of months back, my Auntie Deb asked me and Mom to help her come up with some ideas on how to decorate her soon to be borned people pups - and yes, I said pups! So here was our inspiration...

This is a painting by a Portland artist named Tracy MacEwan. Isn't it fun??? So Mom and I thought and thought. I in particular channeled the great skills of Dave, guide dog for the color blind, and here is what I, um I mean we, came up with...
Little Houses - W00t!
So I said to Mom...
'Mom...this would make an awfully nice bumper for the puppies cribs don't ya think???'
And is what I, um I mean we made...
Not too shabby, huh? Oh and here it is in the puppies room...
Fun don't ya think??? Oh and here are the new puppies who who belong to the crib...Mom says it is appropriate to bark 'ahhhhhhhhh' right now - W00t! Aren't they just the cuterest???
Stay tuned tomorrow...I'll show you how I, um I mean we, decorated for Turkey day!
Great work, Ruby! Your mom never would have been able to do it with you. I bet you knit those pumpkin hats too - looks like that famous Boston Terrier yarn to me!
WOW Ruby! That is really cool! My mom is having a creative phase, too, but I'm having nothing to do with it because she's not really good. Plus she's knitting a CAT bed. Now shouldn't that sentence make more sence if C A T was replaced with P U G??
Ruby, you are so talented! I bet your mom just guided your thread as you whipped that bumber right up! It's nice to make our humans THINK we need their help! ;)
AWW! Those pups are super cute! Twins, just like my mom and aunt!
And you did some great work on that bumper! It was nice of your mom to help you with it. :)
Love Clover xo
Those are some stinkin cute pups!! And 2 of them.(Mom says she gets tired just thinking about 2 at one time)
We love the bumper. You and your mom are very talented!
Holy crap, Ruby! I had no idea you were such a crafty lady! Great job!
BTW, I've never seen a human puppy before, are you allowed to smell their butts?
Murphy Dogg
oh my...what cute pups!~ In their honor, we shall all sing
"Little houses, on the bumper crib
Little Houses, made of fab- r- ric
Little houses on the bumper crib
And they don't look all the same.
There are green ones, and yellow ones and red ones and blue ones
And they're all made out of fab - r - ic
And they don't all look the same.
Ruby made them with her mother's help
And a little creativity
Ruby made them, with her mother's help
And they don't all look the same
Now the twin pups, they can see them, in their bright and sunny colored prints
And they twin pups know the houses do not all look just the same.
When the time comes for the twin pups to each be an idividual They'll remember all those houses that did not look all the same.
Ruby made them, cause she loves us, and she knows we're individuals and just like those little houses we are not both just the same.
twins! so many twins everywhere nowadays. is the lil pup on the left slightly smaller than the right? never mind, they are wonderful pups.
i love the idea how you come up with the bumper. it would be nice blanket cover too.
wet wet licks
You gots talent, Ruby, you gots talent! :-D
Hi, Ruby!
You and your mom did a pawesome work!
The human pups are so cute!
I am sure they will love it!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Ruby,
My name is also Ruby, I also love to run, play in mud and eat snackies. You llok like a dog who has a lot of fun.
I love the painting. Great colours.
You have skills beyond compare, Ruby girl. Talent oozes from you. Those new pups are very cute also.
Oh.. those puppies are cute and what a pawsome job you all did for the babies room
~ Bae
awwwwwwwwwww what adorable pups, Ruby and the bumpers are just too cute and colorful and very useful too! Your mom is so talented!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my gosh! What your Mom made was SO nice & Oh my gosh! Those hairless pups are sooo cute!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
ahhhhh indeed, the room looks great. What adorable human puppies.
Simba x
Look at those cute little human pups! Goodjob Ruby!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
As the new pups grandmother, we want to say that we really appreciate all your creativity and work Ruby, and that you let your Mom help is even better. When the new pups get a little older, they will be by to give some licks (and most likely a few tugs). The new pups friends are all envious of such cute decorations.
Love it, love it, love it! Ruby, you're so lucky your mom has you to help her with these projects!
2 pups for the price of 1? What a deal! They are BEAUTIFUL!
gaaaaah - there's nothing in that post that isn't freaking adorable. Good job, ladies!
Wow! That is the coolest human pup room I've ever seen with those cool bumpers! That picture of the babies is adorable! It's so cute how the one is holding onto the other!!
Oh, RUBY! Woo did a GREAT job! I really like your little houses! How fun and colorful.
Sorry we've been MIA; mom crashed the computer and we've been "re-building". Oh, and mom's been banging her head into the desk a lot. Woo.
That is so pawesome!! It looks fabulous next to the painting, but the people pups are the cutest thing ever!!!
I know it's late for this comment but WOW Ruby! You and your mom sure are creative and talented! We love the bumper and the room theme and are seriously ooohing and aaahhhing over those cuterest babies right now.
Absolutely adorable. My mom says she loves living vicariously through your creativity...because she has no time to do soo--- and you are way more talented.