Project: Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 20, 2008

So in 4 short days I'm getting some VERY special Nanny, my Auntie Joey and my Cousin Danny are coming to visit me for Thanksgiving - W00t!!! This is very excitering because it is the first time I'm getting to meet my Auntie Joey and Cousin Danny. Only thing that would have made this pawfect was if my sissy Sophia and Auntie Pearl could come...but they are going on little vacations of their own.

Anyhowl, Mom and I have been busy decorating for their a few pictures...

Do you see the turkey??? This is Tom. He's got other friends...


and Ty

This is a metal pumpkin...Mom thinks it's really cool, I'm not so sure because I don't think it would taste too good.

And last but not least, here is our Thanksgiving table...

I, um I mean we, made that pretty table runner. We even made matching napkins and coasters too! The only thing that would make the table better would be if there was Thanksgiving dinner on it - W00t!!!


22 Responses to "Project: Thanksgiving"

The Puppies said... 1:13 PM

Wow Ruby!!!
You are sooo talented!! Our mom only ever sews our toys back together(and very rarely and not even very well as we always just destroy them again) so the fact that your mom helps you with all those things is amazing!! Those turkeys are AWESOME!!!
The Puppies

Anonymous said... 1:48 PM


I am so looking forward to seeing you and Mom next week. Thank goodness, she did not put up a Christmas Tree too! lol
Pearl is very angry that she is not coming for a visit so I may get coal for Christmas.

See you Monday

Love ya

Gus said... 3:09 PM

Oh my...poor Pearl. Maybe you could send her a doggie bag when your nana leaves?


pee esss...muzzer thinks the pumpkin is kewel too!~

Clover said... 3:51 PM

Hi Ruby!
Those are some great Thanksgiving decorations! You must be so excited about your special visitors coming. I am excited for you!
Love Clover xo

Snowball said... 4:44 PM

I see that you are all ready for your special guest and to have a wonderful Thanks giving. I am sure its going to be a pawsome get together. Hope that you get lots of stuff from the table.


Dexter said... 4:52 PM

It is so nice to see your house all decorated for Thanksgiving. I tried to find some decorations in the stores and all they have is Christmas stuff. Oh man!

Mango Momma

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 4:59 PM

Your house looks so pretty! Have a pawsome time with your company. (poor little Pearl...)

Boo Casanova said... 6:36 PM

hi ruby, nice decor. your mom is very talented. look at the bumper she made for cutie twins and your costume... i just knew it.

wet wet licks


Sophie Brador said... 6:55 PM

Hey Babes! Thanks so much, Ruby, for voting for my friend Gabriel. He is a really great guy who totally deserves to win. He's done so many great things for other people. He really, truly is one of the best people I know.


Lorenza said... 7:30 PM

Hi, Ruby!
You and your mom have been busy preparing everything for Thanksgiving Day!
I am sure you will have a pawesome time with your family!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said... 9:53 PM

Oh Ruby
How totally awe going to have a spectacoolaw Thanksgiving..I loooove Nanny!!!pleez give hew smoochies fow me! Youw Mom makes evewything look so bootiful and special..youw house is lovely and I love tom and his fwiends..Mommi likes youw punkin, but I pwefew the chewable kind
smoochie kisses

leah said... 10:48 PM

Now my thesis is done I want to start making fun crafty things like you, Ruby! However, I can't even crochet a dishrag -- I've tried MANY times and they always turn into triangles, not squares...

And thanks for your help defending my thesis. I know all my Boston friends were there in spirit, barking or chirping or making some sort of odd noise! :)

Bae Bae said... 11:23 PM

Woh.. looks like your visitors will have a pawsome time over your house for thanksgiving. ;)

~ Bae

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:07 AM

Enjoy your Thanks giving. I love the decorations.

Simba x

The WriggleButts said... 2:48 AM

You're one talented pup, Ruby!


Duke said... 2:56 AM

Your Thanksgiving decorations look so festive, Ruby! That turkey is going to look beautiful in the center of your table! We hope you get a smidge!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said... 8:33 AM

What a beautiful table, and you know the food is coming! Are you going to help your mom with that, too, Ruby?!

I'm so happy that your family is coming to celebrate Thanksgiving with you! WOOt for sure!

Martha said... 10:54 AM

Wow! Your house looks fantastic. I'm going to come stay with you since our house is a sty right now. I hope your mom is making a BIG turkey! Love, Martha

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 1:58 PM

The house looks beautiful. We can't wait to see the pictures of the visit..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Eric said... 3:39 PM

Nice decorations for your special dinner with your friends. Mmmmmm.. hope we see a photo of the feast too! Wags, Eric x

Mack said... 7:38 AM

Hi beautiful Rubes!
Your house looks so festive! I wish we were spending Thanksgiving together!

Joe Stains said... 10:01 AM

It looks fabulous to us! You guys are so creative.