Sleepy Sunday #40

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Me and the Boy.

Danny, thanks for visiting me...I'm sure going to miss your belly rubs. I woof you!


16 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #40"

Brownie said... 6:51 AM

Belly Rub!!!!

Mack said... 7:45 AM

Awwww. What a sweet snuggly pic!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:30 AM

ooooh not sure what your weather is like with you Ruby, but it is freezing here.

So I think you look very cosy and snuggly!

love and licks,
Marvin xxxxxxxx

Duke said... 9:19 AM

We bet Danny will miss you too, Ruby! We hope you get to see each other again soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said... 9:39 AM

awwwe sorry your buddy is leaving!!

Lorenza said... 9:55 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Sure it was nice to have him at your home!
Belly rubs are great!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said... 12:32 PM

How sweet!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Technodoll said... 2:10 PM

Cuuute! All days are for sleeping, as far as we're concerned...

xoxo from the akitas

Par said... 2:12 PM

You must be so comfy and warm!

Georgeous said... 2:55 PM

I met my pawrents boy this year, well he's a young man but they call him boy. He's like your boy, loves a snooze on the sofa, i don't think he made it to the bedroom all his visit. Happy snoozing Wooby.

Emily and Ike said... 6:42 PM

Is the couch eating him?

Bae Bae said... 1:54 AM

Have a nice nap

~ Bae

Lenny said... 9:56 AM

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Are you sleeping after eating turkey? It's supposed to make you tired.

Your friend, Lenny

Petra said... 11:21 AM

Aww....what a sweet picture! Danny is going to miss you, too, Ruby!

Clover said... 1:53 PM

Aw, Ruby! I hope you had a fun time with Danny!
Love Clover xo

Stanley said... 4:22 AM

Ruby Girl!

Any hooman pup who gives you belly rubs is cool in my book! Glad you and Danny hit it off! Looks like you wore him out!

Goober love & smooches,