Almost Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


17 Responses to "Almost Wordless Wednesday"

Simba and Jazzi said... 6:54 AM

Hope the voting goes the way you want it to.

Simba x

Clover said... 7:24 AM

Yay Ruby! :)
Love Clover xo

Emily and Ike said... 8:16 AM


Kelly said... 8:39 AM

Hi Ruby! It's so nice to meet you! You are the cutest BT! I can't wait to be friends!!

OMD you have and Auntie named Pearl?! And she's a pug?! Maybe I need a nickname so people can tell us apart... hmmm... I will think about this!

Love & Snorts,

Peanut said... 8:54 AM

WooT! WooT! WooT!

Duke said... 9:43 AM

We're smiling pretty broadly here too, Ruby! It sorta makes you feel warm all over, doesn't it?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 10:44 AM

Us Canadian pups watched the results last night and we are thrilled. Pawty, hardy today too.
Good work America and please invite us to the White House. We want to meet the new pup the Obama children are going to adopt. If it is a terrier the Secret Service will be carrying shovels.
Big Tail Wags
Sal and Ruf

Lizzy said... 11:01 AM


I'm so happy for you United Statians! Or is it Untited Statelites?

Ooooh, my human just told me it's "Americans", that sounds better!


Bella the Boxer said... 11:14 AM

Yes We Did!! But we're all really sad about Proposition 8, too. Mom and Dad still can't believe it. Doesn't make any sense at all.

xoxo - Bella

Mack said... 12:06 PM

Oh Ruby,
I just love that pic of you smiling!

Moco said... 2:29 PM

It is a very exciting time in our history.
We opened our prize package and we must say that you really are the prize Queen.

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 5:11 PM

Yes we did too.. Not sure if we are ok with the outcome..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lorenza said... 6:29 PM

Kisses and hugs

The WriggleButts said... 2:52 AM

Congrats! I'm not sure what the fuss was all about, but Mom sure seems happy.


wally said... 10:12 AM

Perfect! And I hope you know you are the part of CA that I'd like to give kisses to! (Not blow raspberries at. I hate raspberries and I get mad at my mom when she blows raspberries even in the air).

My ma ape was reading about some of the props in San Francisco including the one to rename the sewage treatment facility after George W. Bush and the one about fanny packs on the wharf and she laughed. She wishes she could live out there--the east coast takes itself too seriously! :)

wally t.

CoCo said... 8:59 PM

Vote, we did!!!


Lenny said... 12:38 PM


We are still celebrating, which is why I haven't been around in a while. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with all of your family!

Your friend, Lenny