Sleeping Ruby

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh dawg have I been tired the last few days. Between going to the park both Saturday and Sunday and than my fun romp with Bernoober...well, just makes a girl tired. Lately, according to my Mom, I've been doing really well sleeping...I guess what that means is that I don't wake her up at 3:00am to go potty or play. In fact I've even been letting her sleep in a to say 5:30am instead of 4:30am. Am I generous or what?

I think one of the contributing factors (aside from chasing around that cute yellow doggin) is my new bed!

Ruby's Mom: Ruby, excuse me...but YOUR new bed?
Ruby: Yep, my new bed.
Ruby's Mom: Ruby, that's MY bed!
Ruby: Um, I don't think so Mom...I sleep in it, it's MINE!!!

Remember how I said my Mom didn't buy me anything at that I*K*E*A place? Well, she bought me a new bed! (Ruby's Mom: Actually, I got new bedding, not a new bed. Ruby: Whatever!). It's so pretty and soft...I really like it! I mean I would like it more if it was say, um, pink (that's my favorite color, you know), but Mom likes blue and it matches everything else in the bedroom.

Oh and just because this is MY blog and this post is about ME sleeping here are a few more sleeping pictures...

OK, so I'm not actually least not yet because Mom keeps flashing that annoying light in my eyes.
Suki, you's my pink Octi...I like to snuggle up to her during the day! Oh and yes, that is the blankie you sent me too!

Here I am snuggling up in the pillows on the couch. I like pillows...both to snuggle and to chew...but don't tell Mom about the chewing part, ok?

OK, all this posting about sleep has well, made me sleepy! I'm off to take a nap...sweet dreams my pups!!!


21 Responses to "Sleeping Ruby"

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said... 9:45 AM

Hi Ruby! Thanks for dropping by our blog. It's always so nice to hear from other doggies! We think your new bed looks so comfy! Our Mom needs to buy new bedding too, but she puts it off because she says we will just scratch holes in it. We are just trying to make it more comfortable for her, but she doesn't believe us!

Ozzie & Rocky

Duke and Gidget said... 10:07 AM

Hey Ruby, that's an awesome new bed you got. Your Mom is very nice to buy that for you.
We gotta go take a nap now. Your post made us sleepy too!

~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget

Anonymous said... 10:12 AM

Ruby your bed looks sooo comfy! Its nice that you let your mom share it with you!

Juno said... 10:20 AM

Ruby!! That must be really comfy. Maybe that will be YOURS?!? :)

I wanted to leave comments last night but Blogger didn't allow me to say HELLO to you! :( I love the carton on your previous post!!! So funny!

Momo xoxo

Duke said... 11:02 AM

I love how you just sink in your bed in that second picture! You're making me tired!

Love ya lots,

Clover said... 11:20 AM

Hey Ruby,

You are such a cute sleeper!! My mom got some new bedding from Ikea recently too! It's red, I hope it will become mine, just like your mom's became yours. :)

Love Clover xo

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 11:26 AM

Oooo, J1 said to tell you that she really likes your spotty bed linen! It's nice of you to share it with your mum! J x

Suki & Joey said... 11:40 AM

Aw, Ruby, you look sooo tired and sleepy, but so pretty! How do you manage to do that? I just look dopey when I'm tired...hehehe!

I'm glad you like your octi, isn't he the bestest? Or is it she? Probably she, she's pink, after all!

Now, go get some sleep!
Puggy kisses

Balboa said... 12:51 PM

I hate when my mommy takes pictures of me when I'm trying to sleep too.

My mommy loves the color of the sheets

Frenchie Snorts

Balboa said... 12:51 PM

I hate when my mommy takes pictures of me when I'm trying to sleep too.

My mommy loves the color of the sheets

Frenchie Snorts

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 1:28 PM

Goodness me, you are the pawfect cure for insomnia Ruby!

oh pleae come to my virtual Pawty, I have some wine, beer or soft drinks reserved for you, or even cocktails if you prefer, both alcholic and non alcholic, whatever.

Roast chicken dinner too!

I am celebrating a Year of My Blog

hope you can call by to sample some of my delicacies! love and many licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Anonymous said... 2:28 PM

That new bed looks so comfy!


L said... 3:45 PM

that's a pretty swanky bed, ruby. I like that bedding myself, but our Ikea doesn't carry that pattern anymore for some reason! Grrrr.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 4:07 PM

Yawn, yawn, yawn. We lovin' the bed. Yawn, yawn, yawn.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae

Stanley said... 6:05 PM

Ruby Bug!!

I would like nothing better than to crawl right through my pooter and onto your bed with your snuggly self! I'm with Suki - how do you manage to look so stinkin' cute when you're sleepy?

Sink on into the cushy goodness of YOUR bed (very nice of you to let your mama park her carcus there at night).

Goober love,
Your Stanny

Lorenza said... 6:06 PM

Hi, Ruby
I know that if I am tired any place is good to take a nap, but like, you I wouldn't change my mom's bed for nothing in the world!!
My mom bought a new bedding too, but it is cream color and she says that is not good for this dirty girl!! Can you believe that??
Sweet dreams

Jessica said... 6:25 PM

Ruby...Did we ever tell you that we love your brindle coat? Well, we do. Our foster dog Ricky had a little bit of brindle in him. It's beautiful.

Mom said that she never tires of sleppy dog photos. You on YOUR bed is the cutest.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

The Brat Pack said... 7:12 PM

That is a FAB new bed! It's nice of you to loan to your Mom sometimes.


Joe Stains said... 9:18 PM

your new bed is GREAT! I love it, very nice of your Mom to buy that for you!

Luckie Girl said... 5:55 PM

Hey Ruby,
I wouldn't share my bed with Mom even if she begged me. LOL! But maybe if she pawform some tricks, I may reconsider. hehehe..

Katherine and Pippa said... 3:20 PM

I'm sure I need to check out this whole bed thing.

You look so cute and so comfy.
