Let's see, we started out in Cali where Bernard met me at my place. Next we flew a little south to get Randi down in So Cal. Next we headed to AZ where we picked up Joey & Tanner. From there we flew east, to the mid-west (now that sounds kinda odd, doesn't it?) Where in IL we picked up Tad & Fig. Tad had never met Marvin, but you know Tad, he's not one to turn down a pawty, right? From Chi-town (aka Chicago) we headed into Canada to pick up sweet little Clover. Like Tad, Clover hadn't met Marvin, but who wouldn't love her, she's such a cutie! Then it was back into the US to Jackman Avenue where we were greeted by Lola...it was late and I think Sherman and Penny were sleeping so they didn't join us. Oh and Koobie met us in Pittsburgh too. From the Keystone state we headed into GA to get Fraiser and than down to FL where we picked up my BFF Suki in her rocker-chick finest. All the while Joey and Tanner were entertaining us and there was a nice selection of kibble and snackies - Air Ruby, really does it up nice. Continuing on, we flew north to CT where we picked up Balboa and Sir Chance-Lot...and then Fig & Balboa snuck to a private corner of the plane to 'chat'. Lastly we crossed the border into Canada again and surprised Sophie la Brador. She wasn't expecting us, but it couldn't be a pawty for Marvin without the bootiful Sophie! After Montreal, it was finally off to Scotland to see the pup of the hour, Marvin!
We got to Marvin's refreshed and ready to play. Now I know Marvin was a little concerned that we couldn't land the plane in his driveway, but it was fine because we landed at Glasgow International Aire-port and took a very luxurious limo off to Marvin's house...see Marvin, we spared no expense to visit you! Oh and guess who was there to greet us with Marvin & Jeannie...Simba! His Mum drove him from England and she and Jeannie were sharing some wine while we all ate and played!!!
Now there were a few of our Asian pups and hamsters who also wanted to come on Air Ruby (I mean, who wouldn't, right?), so while we were driving to Marvin's place from the aire-port, Air Ruby took off again, this time on super-sonic mode and picked up GirlGirl and Huskee in Singapore, Boo in Malaysia and finally Ume-Tyan in Japan. Whew...Air Ruby worked really hard on her maiden voyage!!!
Well, we partied into the wee hours of the morning...like any good Scottish fling. We ate some awesome food (fortunately no haggis, Mom said to stay away from that!) and just had the greatest time!!! Marvin, here's to your first blogiversary and many, many more to come!!!
Hi Ruby,
Thanks for the ride on Air Ruby... it was absolutely First Class!!
oh.. i missed the pawty.. when u going to have another one...
Oh wow.. this is real big!.. just wish that this could turn to reality.. how nice..
Golden Rossi
It was a long drive but well worth it.
Simba xx
Air Ruby was a wonderful plane, we must travel again.
Ha ha ha Bernard's getting kisses from you and Suki, and of course I'm ghattin' with my Fig,
It was an awesome party, wooohooo!
Frenchie Snorts
It is a wonderful party.
Travel that meets jeannie and marvin.
It is a welcome from friends throughout the world.
Let's enjoy happy reverberations of the party on the weekend. :)
from loved ume tyan
G'day Ruby,
I love woad-twips! The new look of your blog is great!
xxx Asta down under
Uh oh...Ruby! I missed the flight!!! :(
Oh man, I wasn't at the pawty? Oh bummer! I missed out all the fun & the tasty roast chicken...*sigh* Hope you all had a great time!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
oooooooooooooooh Ruby! That picture is sooooooooooooooooooooo funny! Jeannie and me have been laughing sooooooo much! If you don't mind, can we copy the picture and put it on my blog too! Let me know via my Chat Box if this is ok to copy it!
It was lovely to meet you all!
And I love the map!
love and very many laughing licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Ruby!
Thanks for the trip on Air Ruby, I sure had a great time! It was fun to meet all you dogs in "person". My mom really loves the picture your mom took...haha...
Bye for now!
Love Clover xo
Ruby Bug!!
You do so much for your friends!! I will have to fly Air Ruby sometime, it sounds very cush!
Wish I could have been there with you and Suki Suki Suki!! I see you wore your pearls and Suki wore the dress she's afraid makes her eyes look too big, and you both were smokin' HOT!!
I don't know Marvin either, but am sure you made his celebration extra special by taking everydog along with you to the pawty!!
Woof you!
Goober love,
Your Stanny
Pee Ess
Al is getting calmer and calmer by the day. Today will probably be a Ben Drill day again (he makes me sleepy), but I don't mind!
RUBY! WOW!!!! I'm still tired after my long flight on Ruby Airlines & Marvin's wonderful party...I think we should visit everyone & have a party somewhere in the world everyweekend! How many passangerpups does your airplane hold?
THANKS AGAIN RUBY! You are are an awesome Pawloit!
Love & Licks,
Wow! That was quite a trip!
LOL!!! Look at all of you. We loved it.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
I want to go to Scotland! HAGGIS FOR ME! ANd I want to wear one of those skirts with nothin' underneath!
It must have been a great party! I'm sad I missed it. =(
Dang, mommy has been so lazy and so I missed out on the trip. But it looks like you pups had a great time! Hopefully mom will be more on the ball for he next trip!
Looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves!
And it must be really fun doing the roadtrip!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU, Ruby for the wonderful travel accomodations and taking the picture once we were all there! It was a BLAST!
Pee Ess - Lola looks awesome sitting "all fat" against the window (as my girl says)...!
Ruby - you should be a travel consultant, getting us all there in such an orderly and comfortable fashion!
I, personally, think that Balboa and I look great - it might be our best picture together!
And were you sneaking a kiss in on Bernard since Stanley wasn't there?!
Hi, Ruby
What a trip you had!!
for some reason that I still don't understand I missed the party!!
Glad you had fun there celebrating with Marvin.
I hope I can join you the next time!
Have a nice day
Are you sure Balboa & Fig were only talking hee,hee
Your plane ride was cool
Love ya
Hugs, kisses & Belly rubs
Hey Fabulous Ruby...thanks for picking me up. I'm totally hungover from the big pawty & had to hit the spa today to relax. Hope you're chillin' in the AC & eatin' frosty paws.
You're a great friend!!
Too cool! Hey, you flew right over our house! We wish you had stopped!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful time at Marvin's Pawty. Hope you didn't get jet lag!
Ozzie & Rocky
You must be exhausted!
Hiya Ruby! Thanks for coming by for a laugh! Wish I had met you sooner so you coulda visited Perfect Me over in upstate NY. Bummer.
oh, ruby you have no idea how much i enjoy your Air Ruby on flight service. i got so smitten with one of the airestewardess i asked if she wants to come home with me! LOL
ok ok better don't tell my girls and simba.
wet wet licks
wow, we've been missing the parties being offline! Looks like lots of fun!
Hi Ruby!!!! Missed you!!! What an awesome pawty! It seems you had a good time!!!
Hugs and kisses!!!
i missed the pawty!
can i fly on Air Ruby for the next pawty?
Hey Ruby, sounds like a hell of a pawty! J x
Pawsome, Ruby! I guess I had a little TOO much fun, cuz I don't remember it! LOL!
Puggy kisses
That was a great pawty,was' nt it!I thought I looked dapper in my red neck thingie!!
Poor Air Ruby...logged in a lot of mileage!
thank you for that ride, we had sooo much fun!!
Yeah Ruby...Thanks for remember me too. I had such a good time, and I even got along with everydog. The chicken was pawsome, and I just had a blast..We should have the next pawty at my house!!!??
Oh that picture is grrreat too.
p.s. I'm still burping from all that chicken
p.s. Did I tell you that mamma planted several BACON TREES in my front yard!!????????
They just have to "sprout" and then we can harvest the bacon...what you say...WHO wants to come for the Autumn~harvest Bacon party at MY house?