
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Well today is certainly a day to celebrate...why you ask? Well it's Marvin's 1 year blogaversay! I'm so happy for Marvin and Jeannie and to celebrate Marvin is having a pawty! Wow...I'm heading to the UK twice in one week!!! My Mom is so jellyfish because she LOVES Scotland too, but I told her she couldn't come because it is a 'school-night' (aka work tomorrow).

Now what to wear...Mom, help me decide...I want to look pretty for Marvin...it's his special day!
Is it the pink collar that I'm wearing...
Or the pearls?
Oh, I think the pearls!

So I've chartered a flight on Air Ruby...my own pawsonal airline!
I am planning on taking the eastern route so I can pick up all my US DWB friends on my way to Marvin's. Pups, I'm leaving really soon so let me know if you want me to pick you up! It's going to be a wild time and there is roast chicken and potatoes! Woo-hoo!!!

Marvin and Jeannie...congratulations and we'll see you soon!!! Lots of Licks, Ruby


34 Responses to "Cele-blog-ation"

Huskee and Hershey said... 8:05 PM

OMdoG.. you have your pawsonal airline?? I only got my lousy HuskeeMOBILE.. can you come over to Singapore? I'd love to meet with you Ruby!

Koobuss said... 8:12 PM

Yeah Ruby, pick me up, because I'm going, too. I already told him that I may be late. I was having trlouible finding a ride.

Your airplane is very impressive, Ruby. And your pearls are nice, too.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 11:05 PM

oooooh Darlin Ruby, I just adore you wearing the pearls!

And your own pawsonel airplane, mind you I don't think it will be able to land in our driveway!

I am so glad you are coming to my Pawty!

love and many Roast Chicken licks, Marvinxxxxxx

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:13 AM

The pearls I think for such a special occassion.

Simba xx

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:20 AM

The pearls, you look so sweet with them. Oh will you pick me please. I've never taken a plane before

~ Girl girl

umekotyan said... 5:19 AM

Wonderful marvin
I want the airplane to take me so.
I want to congratulate it together. :)

from loved ume tyan

Balboa said... 5:28 AM

I wanna go, I wanna go, you can land the plane our parking lot!!!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Clover said... 6:12 AM

Hi Ruby!

Good choice on the pearls, you look beautiful with them on! I don't know Marvin, but flying to visit him on his blogaversary sounds like fun! Do you think you could swing around to Ontario and get me? I could wait at my grandma's house in the country, lots of places to land there. :) I'd better go introduce myself to Marvin and congratulate him... I don't want to be a pawty crasher.

Love Clover xo

Stanley said... 6:15 AM


Even *I* don't have my own plane!! Is this some new developement? Did you get a new pressie from your Nanny? Totally cool that you can fly all over anytime you want!!

Very sweet of you to pick everydoggie up. Sorry I can't make it (due to my itchy tummy spots), but clink glasses with Marvin for me and dance the night away!!

I vote for the pearls too, because they remind me of Audrey Pupburn!

Goober love,
Your Stanny

Frasier said... 9:19 AM

I wanna go!
I love the pearls...you look every inch a classy lady!

PreciOus said... 10:08 AM

Oh Ruby, you've got your own airline! Wow! You made a good choice, pearls look very sweet on you. =)


Lizzy said... 12:58 PM

You look great Ruby! And your personal airline? You are sooo lucky!


Ferndoggle said... 12:58 PM

Hey Rubes...can you swing buy and pick me up??? Two Fabulous Divas hitting the U.K.!! They're never gonna be the same.


Duke said... 1:09 PM

Shoot! I wanna go too but we have our Nantucket vacation coming up! I'll have to miss the trip! Bummer! Please tell me what I missed, okay Ruby?

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said... 2:26 PM

Hi, Ruby
You sure are a classy girl! I like the pearls, you look beautiful!!
Your own plane??? OMD that is life at full!
Have a nice day

Anonymous said... 2:32 PM

The pearls. Definitely the pearls. :-) They're your signature look.

Tadpole said... 2:34 PM

I don't know Marvin, but I would LOVE to meet him and wish him a happy blogeration! Especially since there will be roast chicken and potatoes (and my girl won't be there!)!!

Anonymous said... 4:32 PM

Hey, thanks for coming to visit me. Any friend of Stan's is a friend of mine! You look like a cool woofie. I don't think I would be scared of you!

wally said... 4:47 PM

I think you look sophistimacated in your pearls!


Sir Isaac Newton IV said... 8:46 PM

Hey Ruby! I can't believe you have your own airline. I'm going to have to talk to Mommy about that. We have to fly a lot, and that would be MUCH better than them hauling me in the belly of the plane!? ;)


Randi said... 9:12 PM

Hello Ruby!
THE PEARLS! You are one classy girl! I love the pink collar too..I have a pink collar & my favorite color is pink..but since its such a special occasion with Marvin's 1st blogaversary, the pearls are the way to go...& yes, please..I'd like to book a ticket on the newest pupairline...can I sit in first class? Do I get wings?
Love & Licks,

Boo Casanova said... 10:30 PM

i'm so jellyfish now. can't u come to my country instead?

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said... 11:38 PM

can you pleaase swing by for me. do you serve kibble on your airline?

Anonymous said... 2:42 AM

Definitely wear the pearls Ruby they look beautiful on you!

And your own airline - how cool ar you!! I'd go to the ends of the earth for roast chicken and potato!!


fee said... 2:42 AM

pearls! pearls! pearls for ruby!

i hope you're having fun now! tell us all about it when you come back!


Urban Smoothie Read said... 3:24 AM

nice pearly necklace u had there...
u look so elegant

Suki & Joey said... 6:17 AM

Aw, shoot, I'm probably too late! Silly Mom's been working ALL DAY for the past 2 days!

You look bootiful with your pearls, Ruby. They are the pawfect accessory for you :)

Puggy kisses

Sir Chance-Lot said... 7:29 AM

OH I am INnnnnnnn!!!
Ill be waiting for you Ruby..Is there a dresscode?
Tailwaggins and Love
Sir Chancelot

Anonymous said... 1:43 PM

The pearls look fantastic!

Ling Ling said... 3:30 PM

Definitely the pearls. They look amazing on you Ruby :D!

Sophie Brador said... 3:56 PM

Darn it! I probably missed that plane. And I'm only a hour over the border. I could have easily popped down to NY so you could pick me up. Oh well. Next year.

Snowball said... 7:26 PM

HI Ruby,

I think you look very lady like in Pearls but I am sure with your natural look is good enough to win any hearts over.

The Pawsonal Airline is awesome...I must seriously talk to my hooman about it.


Goofy said... 7:56 PM

Your airline????? I can't believe this!!!

The Brat Pack said... 9:42 PM

Girl! I just LOVE those pearls!
