Auntie Kelly's Visit - Day 1

Sunday, August 12, 2007

So Auntie Kelly is finally here - YAY!!!! OMdOG I never thought she would arrive. Her flight was over 2 hours late...some kind of mackerel issues. I'm not sure what fish have to do with flying since I thought only birds could fly, but whatever --- she's here. The last time I saw Auntie Kelly was almost a year ago when I was still a wee pup, so imagine her surprise at what a bootiful grown-up girl I am!!!

It was so good to see her...the first thing she did when she got in the door was this...


And dog does she give good belly rubs!!! So after some belly rubs and a quick walkie she gave me a prezzie...WOW 2 prezzies in 2 days...I'm such a lucky girl (not to be confused with Luckie Girl of course). Here's what I got...


So I got these really yummy cookie from this barkery in Colorado. Interestingly enough it is call the 'Wagz'...hmmm. There were these great homemade cookies, plus 3 Buddy Biscuits. I think the 3 biscuits are supposed to remind me of her 3 people pups David, Jake and JJ. Here they are...

Aren't they cute people pups??? I bet that little one, JJ, is especially, not to eat, but to lick!!! Oh, and check out his says 'Ladies Man'...hee, hee, hee that's funny!

So the last prezzie Auntie Kelly gave me was this great new chicken Cuz!!!

He makes the bestest noise!!! I've name him Charlie the Chicken Cuz or C3 for short! Oh and you know how I figured out how to name him Charlie and not Charlotte. can see his boy bits...

After the prezzie exchange (yes, I got Auntie Kelly something too), Mom and Auntie Kelly did some shopping and went to have Sushi. After that they came back and got me and we went and spent the evening chatting at Starbucks. Here I am looking at what they are snacking on and not sharing...

Meany Mom wouldn't give me any cookie, but Auntie tossed me a few crumbs...but shhhhhhh...don't tell my Mom.

After Starbucks we came home and hung out and chatted some more and Auntie Kelly and I played a mean game of bitey face. I was sooooooo tired after that, here's what I did...


Well, that was day one of our visit. I'm off to the Wag today...I'm ok with it, I guess. I really wished I was going to San Francisco...maybe I could have hung out with Kaui, but NOOOOOO. I told my Mom she could have the keys to the blog while she's in SF...maybe she will post or maybe she'll wait till she gets back. Either way I'll catch you pups on Tuesday with a full report.


32 Responses to "Auntie Kelly's Visit - Day 1"

wally said... 10:04 AM

Ruby--Your Aunt Kelly rocks. I love it when new people are in the house and they don't know about my d-i-e-t. It was fun talking to you today. I'm sorry you have to go to the Wag. Maybe Stan will come and boost you. he's a stand-up fellow like that.


Suki & Joey said... 11:26 AM

Whoa! You went to STARBUCKS!?!? I am soooo jealous. And belly rubs? And treats? And a Cuz? Oh, wait, I don't like Cuzes...but the other stuff ROCKS! :)

Oh, Ruby, you cracked me up with the "boy bits"!

Have lots of fun at the Wag. Maybe you could go swimming this time?

Puggy kisses!

Anonymous said... 12:49 PM


That part about the boy bits is embarassing, you should know better. Enjoy the Wag.

Your friend Suki was very naughty on Saturday, and very, very lucky, I already scolded her, I better not hear about you doing something dumb like that.

Talk to you Tuesday

Hugs & belly rubs


Joe Stains said... 1:59 PM

what a nice aunt to bring you all those awesome pressies!!! you ARE a lucky girl. We actually dont have the chicken cuz, I think it is one of the only ones we dont have!

Duke said... 2:47 PM

We don't even know your Aunt Kelly but we love her already! She brings awesome gifts and sneaks you snacks! That Cuz is awesome!

Love ya lots,

Jessica said... 2:58 PM

Your first day with Aunt Kelly was pawesome!! Enjoy the rest of her visit!!

We love the chicken cuz, boy bits huh??? hehehe

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Peanut said... 4:27 PM

Uh Ruby I hate to break it to you but I think those bits are actually the chicken's tail.

Kt said... 4:30 PM

Have a great visit! And watch those chicken feet. Porter was able to eat the feet right off of his chicken cuz. Yikes!

The Airechicks said... 4:32 PM


You need to take Aunt Kelly out for some delicious ICE CREAM.

How long is Auntie K visiting ??
Looks like a great start to her vacation.

Have fun - she does great pressies.

Stanley said... 4:37 PM

Ruby Bug!!

Any auntie who loves my Ruby is an auntie of mine!! Tell your Auntie Kelly for me that she is officially gooberlicious! She must get her great belly rubbing technique from practicing on her own pups.

I've never been to a hooman's food/coffee/drink place yet! You look very lady like and well-behaved, though a little astonished at the lack of nourishment from your mom.

Rock the WAG! (I know you will).

Goober love,

Pee Ess
Loved chatting with my Rubinator this morning!

Balboa said... 4:56 PM

You have the best aunts, they always give such great belly rubs.

That chicken cuz looks like a lot of fun.

Well at least Auntie Kelly knows how feeds you goodies at Starbucks!

Frenchie Snorts

Luckie Girl said... 7:00 PM

Oh my dog..Ruby, I can't stop laffing at the boy bits thingy. LOL! I didn't know Cuz had boy and girl bits!!
PS : Silly qn but your Auntie Kelly's children look a bit chinese! It's their eyes..reminds me of Mom's eyes!! :)
PPS: Those cookies look darn GOOD!!!

Lorenza said... 8:32 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Your Auntie is great! And yes, you are a lucky girl! She gave you treats and a "boy" cuz!
Have fun. We will be waiting for your full report!

Boo Casanova said... 10:54 PM

oh ruby, i have the same CCC too. omDOG, it makes the funniest sound. unfortunately too big i can't really chew on it.

wet wet licks


Huskee and Hershey said... 1:28 AM

Wow Ruby, your Aunt Kelly is totally cool!! Look at all those cookies and toy... I think I am going to the pet shop to see if they carry any of those CCCs too..

PreciOus said... 2:04 AM

Hi Ruby!

I lurve your belly rub's pic. You look so happy in that pic! Your Auntie Kelly is so cool to get you cookies and a very cool Cuz! And you were so clever to figure it's gender out. Hehe.


Urban Smoothie Read said... 2:09 AM

send my regards 2 ur aunt kelly..

Girl Girl Hamster said... 3:01 AM

Woh Belly rubs and kookies and cuz. You sure are lucky and have such a great time

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said... 5:00 AM

Oh, those biscuits looks delicious! Yummmmm! Hey that David pup has got chinese eyes like Faith! Cute fella. That cuz's thingy is weird. Sooo tiny, lol!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 6:21 AM

You had such a good time there! Your Auntie sounds real nice too.

I am very impressed with the Wag Hotel stuff, nothing like that here yet!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxx

Frasier said... 8:49 AM

Hi Ruby,
You look like you are in paradise with the belly rubs !!Have fun at the Wag !We want to see your report card

kaui said... 10:23 AM

you have a chicken cuz!!! I am so jelly!

Emily and Ike said... 11:19 AM

I didn't even know the chicken cuz exists! OMD!

Tadpole said... 12:07 PM

It's like a Cuz and a bully stick ALL IN ONE!

coco said... 7:33 PM

i don't know but i'm pretty sure boy chickens are called roosters...or there's another word for them, too, but mom won't let me say it cuz it sounds like a nasty name for boy bits. whatever!

i'm sure you'll have lots of fun with charlie, whatever you wanna call him!

hee!!!! coco

Toby said... 8:34 PM

You're Aunty Kelly rocks!! Belly rubs, treats and starbucks?? And all in one day! Life is good...


Lizzy said... 10:13 PM

I love the new look on your blog. The blue background makes it very cool!


Goofy said... 4:33 AM

a new cuz u've got there!!!! i love CUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 1:58 PM

Glads you had a good time with your auntie. The Cuz look like it be cool.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae

Anonymous said... 2:19 PM

How cool is your aunt bringing you a Cuz AND those tasty looking cookies!!! Belly rubs rock too :)


Deanna said... 6:24 PM

I've never seen a chicken cuz!!

Anonymous said... 1:41 PM

Oh my dogness... that chicken cuz is very funny looking!!!
