
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Thanks everydoggie for the warm wishes for my sister Sophia's barkday! I barked to my Nanny and she said Sophia had a great day! Woo Hoo!!!

This weekend was a wacky one...not necessarily a good wacky either. First off instead of going to the park like we normally do on Saturday I got dropped at that Wag Hotel place!!! So I wondered if my Mom was going to see that Bumblebee guy again, but nope. Not this time. She had to go to San Francisco to a wedding. My friend Remmy's dad was getting married and my Mom was invited. I guess it was a wild party and she was out really late so that's why I got stuck at the Wag again. It was ok. Here's what they said about me... (click to make it bigger so you can read it)

I think a few things bear some explanation...for instance, they said I had a small appetite. This worried my Mom a bit. But I was fine...you never know who you are going to meet at the Wag and I didn't want to look like a chow-hound, you know. Next, they said I had 'Medium-Energy'...they really must be mistaken on this because never in my life have I been of medium ANYTHING. Very strange.

I did get a special walkie before I went to bed...that was nice and I made 2 new friends...Max and Bailey. We hung out during the playgroups. It was an ok time, but I much prefer spending my Saturday at the park with Joey and Remmy.

So that was my Saturday now on Sunday I was expecting my Mom to be all 'Ruby, I'm so sorry for leaving you...here's something special'...but NOOOOOOO...next I was abandoned for this guy...
Yep, while Mom was gone she got this book and so the second we got home she was parked herself on the couch (in my special corner no less) and started to read. And she just read and read and read and read...and she's still reading!!! Apparently this is a HUGE problem for Stanny and Bruin too. This must be stopped!!! Who else is dealing with this?

On a pawsitive note, something that was absolutely PAWSOME was this special surprise from Sir Chance-Lot and his Mom, Hanne...
Isn't it bootiful??? It's called 'Liquid Ice'. I think it's the bestest. You can get really cool stuff with this picture as well as all our other bloggy friends at Chance's Mom's Pressie Store. You should totally check it out...it's really cool.

And last but not least I was nominated for DWB's Awesome Blog Award!!! I'm really excited to be nominated!!! Nanook and Pooka nominated me - thanks boys! They are nominated too! It's some pretty stiff competition this month (actually every month!!!) so it's important to go vote, ok? OK, I'm off to work on my entry for the 'Nook & Pook Challenge'. Don't forget, the contest ends on Wednesday so get going!!!


37 Responses to "Weekendables..."

Bernard Hinault Lilje said... 9:49 PM

Wow-- such an exciting weekend! Vacation--an award--and great artwork of your greatness!!!!!Truly an awe inspiring weekend.

My mom says she cant wait to go back to work tomorrow--wierdo i say!


did i use too many exclamation points?

ToFFee said... 11:52 PM

hmmm... you should tell us what you do at the Wag.. do they give massages?

I think that's a real swanky place.. maybe you'll see bumblebee there? hehehe!

nice photo! Hanne is very talented!

About that Harry Potter chap.. mom had a read thru that even when it's not out yet.. she's like totally NOT moving away from the computer so I wasn't able to blog. sniff sniff!

Now she's done.. she wanted to get that book to read again if it's the same one.. *sigh* at least have the computer back..


Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:36 AM

Woh alot of doggie's mum are reading that book. Sir Chance-lot sure can make magic with his paws.

~ girl girl

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 2:12 AM

Aw, that recport card is a cute idea. I think I'd still eat like a greedy piglet if I was left there!

Oscar x

Duke said... 2:22 AM

We love Chance's mom's work! She's very talented! Poor you - another doggy that has to watch her mom read all day long! I hope she's a fast reader!

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said... 3:49 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber-Mae said... 3:52 AM

Hey, your repost card is cute! Wow, you made two friends... Bet you had a good time there. And I can;t believe your mom is also into Harry Potter!!!! Ggggggrrr! What is sooo great about Harry Potter!? "Mommy, I wanna go & watch with you tomorrow & see what's sooo great about it!" Mom- Nope! You can't. Dogs NOT allowed in the cinema... Hhhmmmpf!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 4:13 AM

Congrats Ruby on your nomination.

We had huge queues everywhere for the Harry Potter book here!

Belated Happy Barkday to your Sis.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Stanley said... 5:33 AM

Ruby Bug!

Girl! Your mom and my girl should start some kind of geek club! That book is killin' me!

On the pawsitive note, I voted for you for awesome blog award (of course). I love all the other blogs nominated, but yours has that something extra... that X factor... could it be that I LOVE the author?

Glad you made some new friends at the WAG!

Goober love, girlie!
Your Stanny

umekotyan said... 6:14 AM

Harry potter can stop the time of the person.
It is time of reading.
Take enjoyment in reading. :)

from loved ume tyan

Suki & Joey said... 6:47 AM

What a bootiful picture, Ruby!

That "report card" cracked my Mom up - I don't know why, I think it's pretty cool! I'm totally jealous of you whenever you get to go to the Wag. I just know one day you're going to meet a celebrity (maybe even UnderDog! He's SO HOT!)

Good luck in the DWB contest - you know I've always got your back ;)

Puggy kisses

Laura said... 7:22 AM

your report card makes it sounds like you had a great time :: imagine, being graded on your poops!!!

Anonymous said... 7:38 AM


I know you had a great time at the Wag Howltel, Mom should send you their while she reads Hairy Potter, because she is going to ignore you till she finishes the book, sorry to say, but trust me when Mom gets a book she likes that's it.

Your Sussie Sophia and I had a nice time while Auntie Joey & cousin Dan were on vacation, I actually miss not having her with me. Maybe it is time you and your Mom talk about the Pug situation.


Clover said... 9:09 AM

Hi Ruby,
Sorry to hear that you had to stay at the hotel, but I'm glad you had a good time anyway! Now, my mom has this Hairy Potter book too, and since it arrived at our door on Saturday, she hasn't touched it. Here is the trick - act sick, or hurt, and she will pay attention to you instead of the book. It worked for me! Although I wasn't pretending...
Love Clover xo

Luckie Girl said... 9:18 AM

Hey Ruby,
Gee..that report card doesn't sound like you. Are you sure they didn't get you confused with another boston?? LOL!
That book is pure evil I tell ya....

Miss Reina said... 9:51 AM

Wow, you even get a report card when you attend the hotel?
My Mummy is all set to abandone me for "The CHosen One" with the scar on his forehead.
Hoomans... so fascinated by magic. *shakes Head*


Asta said... 12:16 PM

What a gweat report cawd..obviously you're a popular girlie, well I'm not suwpwised..that picture of you in liquid ice is amazingly bootiful..Chance's Mom is pawsome!
Maybe you could tell your Mommi to read at night when you're asleep??/that's what mine does.
Thank you for your sweet wesponse to my suggestion..of couwse it's ok to send pwessies, I didn't want to ruin that for anydoggie, I just wanted all of us to think of how we could help, which you've obviously doing..THANK YOU!!!!
smoochie kisses

wally said... 4:37 PM

Haha! I love that you can be rated "impressive!" on your "elimination." I am always quite impressed by my elimination!

Tell that Harry fellow to bugger off. He gets knocked off anyway. I kid. No one in our house has read that and I'm just totally being a jerk.


Anonymous said... 4:51 PM

Cool report card!!! I also like the photo by Chance's mom! Very cool! How far is your mom in the HP book?

Anonymous said... 6:59 PM

Cool report card!

We must ban together and do something about this book!!!

Emily and Ike said... 8:14 PM

Jeez - I've never had a report card in my life. That's a lot of pressure.

Lizzy said... 8:28 PM

You were nominated, eh? That's pretty awesome! Good luck!


Huskee and Hershey said... 8:42 PM

Ohhh.. it's 'THAT' guy again.. I have been hearing a lot abt this 'Hairy' person cos my mom's been talking abt him.
Did you also get a manicure and pedicure at Wags? =)

kaui said... 9:16 PM

ruby that is such a neat picture of you! She sure is talented to make that! My eye is feeling better, thanks for caring! Im not squinting nemore so I think it is better!


Boo Casanova said... 11:13 PM

hey ruby, it's okay to use my pic. but make sure make me look good okay?

wet wet licks


Ume said... 12:34 AM

hi Ruby,
i saw the pic in Chance's blog. i like it very much too!

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:06 AM

Hi Ruby, sounds like you had a good weekend. Yes you can use my picture.

Simba xx

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said... 4:44 AM

G'day Ruby,

Thanks for your welcoming wishes. Even though my mum has been away for 8 months, she seems more interested in that Harry Pottery than me also!

xxx Asta down under

Lorenza said... 6:10 AM

Hi, Ruby.
Glad you had a good time at the hotel! Maybethis time you weren't in the mood to be there!
Nice picture from Chance's mom! Congratulations on your nomination, I wish you the best!
Have a nice day

Sir Chance-Lot said... 7:24 AM

Great report Card RubyBleau....Hope you have pawtastic day!!!

Ferndoggle said... 7:59 AM

Looks like you're almost ready to graduate, Ruby. We need to work on that whole "eating" thing. I'll be happy to give you some lessons.


Anonymous said... 9:02 AM

Holy cow - you get GRADED when your mom abandons you?!?! What kind of place is THAT?! Oh wait - they give you special walks and you get to make new friends and have playgroups... hmm, not so bad.

Tadpole said... 9:04 AM

Yeah, my girl loves that Hairy Potty guy too. Jeesh - I'm not very hairy, but I definitey do the Potty part good!

Balboa said... 10:06 AM

Wow, what an awesome weekend. That report card is so wonderful.

Frenchei SNorts

Frasier said... 11:57 AM

Hi Ruby
Thats an awesome report card!
I lived thro Harry Potter and I hate him!!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 2:19 PM

Hey Rubes, glad to read on your report card that your elimination was "normal"! Hehehehehe! J x

Urban Smoothie Read said... 8:39 PM

oh yea...my owner was oso completed obssessed wit d book...glad tat she had finally finish reading it yesterday...

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