What do you think Tad, will this work for you? Do you want to come pick it up or should I send it to you?
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Send me Pee-mail...
7:13 PM | 22 Belly Rubs
Ruby Baby!
You're so good to the Tadman! I love that big sweet heart of yours, and I'm sure Tad will be alloverthattree (once he finishes his investigation of Massah)!
Goober love and kisses too,
I've been so wowwied and sad fow Tadpole, and you've found the pawfect solution..it's a bootiful twee, xactly the wight size and aweady peetested...you awe a wonder Ruby!
thanks for saying my hair was OK too..youre an awful good giwlfwiend
smoochie kisses
man, poor Tad!! maybe his mom can get one of those little bonsai trees for him to pee on?
Wow, that's a pawfect new tree for Tad, well spotted Ruby!
Oscar x
the twee is pawfect for Tad!
send the twee to him for a sniff!
You're such a sweet thoughtful girl Ruby! Bless you!
Love ya lots,
so, that's the tree been going around. hmm...
wet wet licks
Wow that's a good tree. Maybe we should both send one to Tad then he will have two to choose from.
Did you pee on the tree? Why am I not a rocking blogger? Crying here. sob sob
Simba xx
Hey Ruby,
Yeah, I wanna know if you have been peeing on that tree! It looks so big and healthy. :)
Oooo, that tree looks good to pee on. But I'm not a boy. Heheheh!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
The tree is succeeded to.
A new bud has come out from an old tree. :)
It is impression.
from loved ume tyan
Ruby, you are very kind to find Tad a replacement tree. Stop by we're having a contest!
What a cool little tree! If you don't send it to Tad, will you take care of it and water it just like he did?
Just don't water it too much, ok? Heehee :)
Puggy kisses
Oh what a LOVELY Tree! I think my Tree was a boy, but this one must be a GIRL because it's so BEAUTIFUL! I would come to pick it up (and see YOU!) but I hurt my feeties. Can you send it in the mail?
Tadpole would luv that tree!It may be a bit more grown up than the one he had but he would love it!!
oh, I agree Ruby. I think you should send it to Tad!!!
lovely tree! perfect replacement pee-tree for taddies! oh, ruby, you are such a thoughtful sweetie!!
wiggly kisses, coco
Hi, Ruby.
You found the perfect tree for Tadpole. In his comment he said he liked it... you should send it to him. Sure he will take good care of him!
Have a good night
I think you should pee on it and then mail it to him.
Bussie Kissies
keke... i agree with Buster.
Hey Ruby, mommy says that she grew up near Sacramento. She says they have much nicer winters where you live than us here in Minnesota.
I don't know about the tree but it sounds like you've done an awfully nice thing to find this Tadpole a new tree.
Love, SukiDuki Sumo