Hi Everydoggie & Girl Girl...
Happy Friday the 13th...I hope nothing evil is happening to any pup!!!
I'm really looking forward to the weekend! What a week...Mom worked entirely too much and than came home and what did she do? Knit. That's it. Hardly any playing, just knitting.

She's trying to finish something for a wedding next week...somehow I don't think she's going to do it, but I'll let her live in her little fantasy world a few more days.
Anyhowl, just some random things for this fine Friday...
SMILES! OK, I wasn't tagged by anyone to show my smile...but that's OK because I'll just tag myself. I hardly ever smile in pictures...not really sure why, maybe it's my little crooked teethies. But last night for some reason I decided to show my pearly whites...

Not to bad for a girl who doesn't smile. I know a bunch of you have already been tagged so I won't tag anyone else...but be a free spirit like me and just post a smile picture, ok?
I've seen this a few blogs (most recently on
Sitka's) that you can plug in a name or word and than get a random
advertising slogan. Here are mine:
1. Ruby - The appetizer!Hmmm....me an appetizer. Nu Uh...I will gladly eat appetizers, but I will not be one thank you very much!
2. I'm a secret Ruby drinker.What's with all the food and drinks? I am not a food or a drink. Deal with it.
3. The Real Smell of Ruby.Now we're talking. I won't go into details of my smell, but it is wonderful...especially after a nice romp at the park and rolling in who knows what. Unfortunately my Mom for some reason doesn't appreciate the Real Smell of Ruby. I wonder why????
4. Gee, Your Ruby Smells Terrific.This is true, see above. According to my Mom this is only when I come home from my visit with Tanya at PetsMart, and only for about an hour. Whatever.
5. The Sweet You Can't Eat Without Ruby.That's what I always say! NOTHING can be eaten without me. Try as she will to sneak something without me seeing it...but there will be no eating of the salty or the sweet without the Ruby, got it Mom!
I figured I'd get on the bandwagon with
Tadpole and
Joe and share a
Google search or two that lead people to my site. I don't think they are as funny as what I've seen on Nanook's site...but here goes:
1. Eye FetchNow I love a good game of fetch, really I do, but with an eye? And whose eye would that be, certainly not mine. Ewww!!!
2. Because you loved ùme
Wasn't that a
Celine Dion song? Personally, not a fan. But I do love
Ume &
Ume-Tyan. Maybe that's it.
3. Mutt CookiesI like cookies, actually love is more like it. In fact, all kinds of cookies, but I don't think I'll be eating anything made from a mutt. That's cannibalism, isn't it?
OK, I think that's about it for today...tomorrow is my monthly
BT meetup...so hopefully I'll have some pictures to post after that, and I'm sure some stories to tell. Oh and don't forget about
Nook and Pook's contest! I've got an idea, but I'll need some
mo-dales? Any airefriends that are interested please let me know!
Stanny, you don't have a choice!