I gots this great award from Sophie, Dixie & Harley. Thank you pups sooooo much!!! I love your bloggy too! Here's what the award is all about:
This lovely award is created by Crystal @ Memoirs of a Mommy in honor of Noah and the donor of his sweet little heart who ENCOURAGES us to SHARE THE LOVE! The rules for this award are to pass it along to some people whose blogs you love. They make you laugh, smile, leave encouraging comments on your blog. You would like to share some love with them because they have uplifted, inspired, encouraged or prayed for you. Please include this paragraph with the link to Memoirs of a Mommy so that everyone knows where this award originated from.I'd like to share this award with:
my Macky
my Stanny
my diva-gal-pals Clover, Asta, Lacie, Bella and Lola
diva gals in training Petra & Stella
my Auntie Pearl
and Petey and my NOMSSF, Mica
Thanks for being my friends and always making me smile!!!
Also, check this out...me and my costume are on Little Beasts...W00t!!! And don't forget to post your costumes up for the DWB Howl-o-Ween Costume Parade...and don't worry, they don't need to be scawie! Did you see that BabyStan is in a photo contest too? You need to go and vote for him...he could be a cover-boy!!! And last but not least I've entered two photos up on Dogster's World's Coolest Dog and Cat Show, so if you have some time to take a look, check it out (and vote for me, pretty please)!
Ruby, you are one bussierest girl, as Tannerer would say. We voted, you are one of the coolest dogs we know. From whom else would muzzer have learned - Woot!
Congrats on your award. We are going over to vote for you now!
Hugs Sunny
pee ess hay ruby, hay ruby!! i doan member if i telleded u that ms petra iz gonna sit next tu me on that plane tu england. ok anok.
doan fergit me an tannererer iz gonna bring u treetz tu!! i cant fly bi myself like tannerer, but i can fly a plane tu. i am reely excitereded.
hi 5s
Thank you for the award, Ruby! And of course I'll be behave on the plane because Scooter is my besterest fren but he's not my boyfren because, see, I'm too young to have a boyfren. Besides, if I don't take my dramamine, I'll get sick on the plane, even if you are the besterest flyer int he world, Captain Ruby, so of course I'll be good!
I'm gonna be busy following all of your instructions. Where should I go and what should I do first?!
You so deserve this award, Ruby girl. We are so looking forward to the flight to London. It will be one big PARTY!
It's time to vote for Halloween costume too?? We're on our way! Thanks, Ruby!
Ruby, can we have one more ticket aboard AireRuby for Herc? And we have a special request. He would like to please sit with Putter!
Thank you in advance, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Sweet Lady!!
Thanks so much for the awesome award!
I saw you on Little Beasts...of course you're costume is the bestest by far!
And of course I gave you 5 stars for your pics on Dogster!!
Woof ya,
OMD - you are so much cuter than anyone else on Little Beasts, little Dragonfly!
And congrats on your award :-)
Congratulations Ruby.
Noah xx
Hi, Ruby!
Congratulations on your Award!
I am on my way to vote!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Great job with the award. All those links with dogs in costumes are AWESOME in part because it means my ma ape won't try to put costumes on us because we get cranky. We're all really impressed with your costume. Are you going to wear it all the time until Halloween?
wally t.
Congrats on your award! And we've voted - looks like web-friends is an advantage! ;)
You've got my vote Mz. Ruby :)