Sleeping in the Pumpkin P(atch)olar Fleece ;)
Have a great Sunday!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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8:18 AM | 24 Belly Rubs
Happy Sleepy Sunday to you, my friend. That a grrrrEAT picture of ya, you look very cozy!
Woo. You're truly inspiring, Ruby! And that punkin fleece looks soooooo snuggly!
In the middle of the harvest patch. How cool it that?
Love that picture!
Pee/s: Check out my new post!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Happy sleepy time pretty Ruby!
Hope you are dreaming about me!
-Your Mack
That is the coolestest , snuggly looking (pawfect colow btw) blankie..sweet dweams
smoochie kisses
Rubes... you look so comfy and warm! I was comfy and warm today too, until my girl whipped out her phone and took my picture. Then I got shy.
You look bee-you-tea-ful in your collar, too!
Hi Ruby!
What a pawesome blankie - it looks soooo comfy. Hope you had a great Sunday!
Love Clover xo
omdog you look so cute and comfy!!
Cute :-)
Hi Ruby,
Sweet dreams...
What a sweet picture! We love your pretty collar, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I LOVE your pumpkin patch blanket, Ruby! Get your rest!
Yepper Mom has to get busy and teach Callie to sit and stay with hand signals before she can go herding. Not sure if I am ready for that you are right she may show us all up..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh Yawn...that makes me sleepy just lookin' at it!!!!
Hey...Ruby...can we book Aire Ruby for Oct. 30th -Nov. 2nd...that's Thurs-Sunday...WE'RE (Eric, Asta and me) PLANNIN' A HALLOWEEN PAWTY IN LONDON!!! At the Tower of London!!!!!
I'll be workin' on the invite and gettin' it to you pronto...probably by tomorrow!!!
Scary Barks!!!
Hey Ruby,
That blanket looks so comfy and cozy, you sure know how to sleep in comfort.
Frenchie Snorts
What is your costume this year?
Hope you had a good weekend. Its been wet and windy here all weekend.
Simba x
Hi Ruby
Your Pumpkin fleece looks very comfy. Hope it's on the couch or bed for some extra softness.
Ruuby? Are you awake yet? That looks so comfy!
Are you dreaming of the Great Pumpkin, Ruby? What's your Halloween costume going to be???
xoxo - Bella
Sleeping is so great. Move over I am going to snuggle with you :)
I spend lots of time sleeping on Sunday too.