Sleepy Sunday #32

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Sleeping in the Pumpkin P(atch)olar Fleece ;)
Have a great Sunday!


24 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #32"

Lizzy said... 8:55 AM


Happy Sleepy Sunday to you, my friend. That a grrrrEAT picture of ya, you look very cozy!


The Army of Four said... 8:57 AM

Woo. You're truly inspiring, Ruby! And that punkin fleece looks soooooo snuggly!

Moco said... 10:30 AM

In the middle of the harvest patch. How cool it that?

Amber-Mae said... 10:32 AM

Love that picture!

Pee/s: Check out my new post!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said... 10:32 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 10:37 AM

Happy sleepy time pretty Ruby!

Hope you are dreaming about me!

-Your Mack

Asta said... 12:17 PM

That is the coolestest , snuggly looking (pawfect colow btw) blankie..sweet dweams
smoochie kisses

Tadpole said... 5:14 PM

Rubes... you look so comfy and warm! I was comfy and warm today too, until my girl whipped out her phone and took my picture. Then I got shy.

You look bee-you-tea-ful in your collar, too!

Clover said... 6:02 PM

Hi Ruby!
What a pawesome blankie - it looks soooo comfy. Hope you had a great Sunday!
Love Clover xo

Joe Stains said... 6:15 PM

omdog you look so cute and comfy!!

Charlie Daniels said... 6:53 PM

Cute :-)



Huskee and Hershey said... 11:49 PM

Hi Ruby,
Sweet dreams...

Duke said... 2:23 AM

What a sweet picture! We love your pretty collar, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said... 9:56 AM

I LOVE your pumpkin patch blanket, Ruby! Get your rest!

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 2:48 PM

Yepper Mom has to get busy and teach Callie to sit and stay with hand signals before she can go herding. Not sure if I am ready for that you are right she may show us all up..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 5:06 PM

Oh Yawn...that makes me sleepy just lookin' at it!!!!

Hey...Ruby...can we book Aire Ruby for Oct. 30th -Nov. 2nd...that's Thurs-Sunday...WE'RE (Eric, Asta and me) PLANNIN' A HALLOWEEN PAWTY IN LONDON!!! At the Tower of London!!!!!

I'll be workin' on the invite and gettin' it to you pronto...probably by tomorrow!!!

Scary Barks!!!


Balboa said... 6:14 PM

Hey Ruby,

That blanket looks so comfy and cozy, you sure know how to sleep in comfort.

Frenchie Snorts

Emily and Ike said... 6:31 PM

What is your costume this year?

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:02 AM

Hope you had a good weekend. Its been wet and windy here all weekend.

Simba x

Deefor said... 6:44 AM

Hi Ruby
Your Pumpkin fleece looks very comfy. Hope it's on the couch or bed for some extra softness.


The WriggleButts said... 1:21 PM

Ruuby? Are you awake yet? That looks so comfy!


Bella the Boxer said... 5:19 PM

Are you dreaming of the Great Pumpkin, Ruby? What's your Halloween costume going to be???

xoxo - Bella

Cairo The Boxer said... 6:52 PM

Sleeping is so great. Move over I am going to snuggle with you :)

Snowball said... 12:15 AM


I spend lots of time sleeping on Sunday too.
