I won't be able to lay outside like this much longer :(
Hope you are having a happy, nappy, sleepy Sunday!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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6:26 AM | 17 Belly Rubs
Oh... that looks perfectly lovely, Ruby!
Looks like you are having the perfect Sunday Miss Ruby!
Mom is at work, so there's nothing to do but sleep!
You are so brave to sleep that close to the SCARY pool!!
Hi, Ruby!
That is a very good place for a sleepy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Don't forget to sleep an extra 12 hours to adjust to UK time.
Hi Ruby Jewel (that's the name of an ice-cream sandwich company up here in Portland!!)...I just want to say that I LOOOOVE your Halloween costume this year. Your Mom is super creative. I'm jealous.
xoxo - Bella
Can I come lay with you?
Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy ! :-)
What a perfect spot, Ruby! Enjoy your nap!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Nice & steamy!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That sure looks like a comfy napping spot. Happy napping!
Oh Ruby! What a wonderful sunny spot to take a snoozer! Hope you had sweet dreams!
Love, Herc
How peaceful. Nap well!
hmm... i don't get to lay outside like that FOREVER!
wet wet licks
Looks like you had a good weekend.
Simba x
I've been snoozing for a week straight. :-/ But you look more relaxed than I do.