Thursday is brought to you by the letter 'T'

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Lorenza gave me the letter 'T'.  I am supposed to list 10 things that I love that start with the letter 'T'.  Here goes...

1. TREATS...well duh, of course I love treats.  Ok, so that was easy.

2. TWO...I love being TWO...well 2 and a half actually, but I LOVE IT!!!

3. TOMATOES...I don't get them all the time, but when I do, I like them.  'Specially the teeny-tiny sweet ones!

4. Warm TOWELS...just out of the dryer...ahhh, I love them.  I don't like them when I get a bath because I don't like baths, but ahhh...

5. And when I get warm towels, it makes me all TOASTY, I like being toasty...and so does my Mom when I snuggle with her.

6. TRIPS!  How could I forget trips...especially on my bootiful AireRuby!  And speaking of trips, don't forget I'm still taking reservations for the Halloween Pawty at the Tower of London!!!!

7. TEXAS...because that is where my Macky comes from.

8. TENNIS BALLS...when I go to the park, that is what I love to play fetch with.

9. TULIPS...hey wait a Mom made me put that.  Those are her favorite flowers!!!  Mom, is that a hint you want me to send you tulips???  Is it???

and finally...

10. TUMMY RUBS...oh you know how I love me, my tummy rubs!!!

If anypup wants to play along, let me know and I'll give you a letter - W00t!


33 Responses to "Thursday is brought to you by the letter 'T'"

Asta said... 11:46 AM

I think I love the lettew T also..that is a pawsome list
smoochie kisses
I can't wait fow the pawty

Clover said... 12:12 PM

Hi Ruby!
Great T list - I agree that it is a great letter!!
We got letter D and we are taking a long time to make our list...
Love Clover xo

Ferndoggle said... 12:15 PM

T was a great letter. Tennis balls are a no brainer...


BenTheRotti said... 12:55 PM

oooohh how did i forget Tummy Rubs when I did the letter T!!!

Those were great answers Ruby!

love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Moco said... 12:57 PM

Whar good use of the letter T. Grammie has gotten SEE-NILE. She totally forgot to peemail you with my address. What a loser with a BIG L. I am nipping at her achille's tendon right at this moment to get it done.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 1:17 PM

we like your choices for "T". (especially #7...wonder why???)
I know we made our reservations, but I want to double check and make sure. We do NOT want to miss the party of the year!!!

Noah the Airedale said... 1:20 PM

Good T list Ruby. Tummy rubs are the best.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The WriggleButts said... 2:16 PM

T is a pretty great letter!


Duke said... 4:12 PM

We love tomatoes too, Ruby! Mom and dad have taken the garden apart so no more freebie tomatoes will be tossed to us while we're outside playing! boooooooooo

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball said... 4:27 PM

Ruby, Jie jie says she love the last T you have on your list.


Scottie the 'Cutie' said... 6:19 PM

Hi Ruby!

This game sounds fun! Your T list is so cool! I love the number one T on your list...treats! I'd go crazy for them! hehe!


Lorenza said... 7:28 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Thanks for playing the letters game!
Great T things you like!
Kisses and hugs

Huskee and Hershey said... 11:42 PM

Great answers Ruby!!
Can you give me an alphabet so that I can play the game too?
Have a great weekend!

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:47 AM

Been two is great isn't it?! Have a great weekend.

Simba x

Ruby and Penny said... 5:57 AM

What a great "T" list for the letters game. Tummy rubs are the best.
Would you please include me on your flight to London on the 30th. I would love to travel with you.

Love Ruby

Cassidy said... 6:18 AM

I'm with you on numbers 1, 3, 8 & 10!

Cassidy x

Mack said... 7:06 AM

Oh My Ruby...
Thanks for including me on your T list!! You are one sweet beautiful 2-1/2 year old!

I'll take a letter!!!

Your Mack

Petra said... 8:16 AM

I like the same things you do, Ruby! I can't decide if I like treats more than trips on Air Ruby, though!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:48 AM

Hi Ruby! And your Mum!

Just Trippin' by To say Hello and To Thank You for your nice comments on the DWB site.

Tremendous. I cannot count as I am a poet dog, not a Mathematic Dog, so There may not be Ten Ts in this comment.

We hope you and your Mum are well, lots of love and licks, all good wishes to you both!!

Marvin xxxxxx

Jeannie xxxxxx

The Puppies said... 9:28 AM

GREAT list Ruby!!! Treats, tummy rubs, and warm towels are our favorites too!! Along with being TOASTY!!!
The Puppies

Poppy said... 9:50 AM

Great list! I love tummy rubs, too. Can I have a letter? I would like to play.


Pee Ess: I got to take home SEVEN pumpkins: two big, three medium, and two small.

Mack said... 11:31 AM

PS: - Please put me down for the Halloween trip to London. Woot!

Unknown said... 12:04 PM

I would have put Tennis Balls as #1, yes, even ahead of Treats!

Mica says his favorite T is TUNAFISH!

Give us a letter! This is fun (just not X, Y or Z!)

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Peanut said... 12:27 PM

What a great list. It was. Flash and I would love to go to the halloween party. We don't have to dress up do we?

Bobo the Boston Terrier said... 12:34 PM

I like Taco Bell, does that count for a "t?" Mom lets me eat some tortilllllas from there. Yum.

Unknown said... 4:27 PM

Ruby, Mommy's favorite T would have to be Tim Gunn! We've chatted with him a few times (he used to live in our neighborhood) and he is every bit as sweet and nice and modest as you might imagine. Mommy has a huge crush on him and refers to him as her "secret gay boyfriend." A friend of hers wrote an article about Project Runway for New York magazine and even mentioned that he's Mommy's "secret boyfriend."

Isn't it great when people you like from afar live up to your expectations of them?

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Boo Casanova said... 8:01 PM

it seems everyone love love love their tennis ball huh.

wet wet licks


Gus, Louie and Callie said... 2:39 PM

Way to cool. We like Texas too he he..
Thanks for your well wishes for mom. She is feeling better today. Dad is keeping her on the couch and not letting her do anything.. Mom isn't to excited about that though..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Casper and pals said... 4:45 PM

That looks like fun! Can you send us a letter too?

Casper and pals said... 4:48 PM

Oh and put us down for Aire Ruby for the halloween trip to London too!

Woofs Casper, Buddy , Nikki and foster dog Meeko

Dexter said... 4:03 AM

You are a very complex gal. Trips and Tummy rubs. Oh boy!


Deefor said... 10:35 AM

Terrific T list. I agree about trips and tummy rubs and treats... and I guess all of it.


Joe Stains said... 3:58 PM

Mom likes tulips too! I am not a huge fan of tummy rubs because I don't like being on my back!