Today I want to dedicate my post to Winnie, the wonder lab!!! This past weekend Winnie left her family to move on to Guide Dog Boot Camp. Winnie's family did such a pawsome job of taking care of her and teaching her right that she is now ready to start learning how to be a guide dog. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but if anypup can do it, I know Winnie can. One day some lucky pawson is going to be owned by Winnie...and I sure hope they know what a special girl-pup she is!!! Good luck Winnie...I know you are going to be a star!
It was really hard for Winnie's family (especially her mom, Julie) to let her go. They are one super-special family to have dedicated the past year to help raise Winnie to be the bootiful and smart pup-girl that she is. She is going to make the bestest guide dog ever...I just know it!
Oh and Miss Julie...if you ever need some puppy love, just let me know and I'll be there with my nub-a-waggin!
What an excellent dedication! I'm sure it was hard to let Winnie go, but hopefully she can keep in touch!
I know Winnie's family is really gonna miss her. She is such a special doggie!!
How hard it's got to be to let Winnie go! She's a gifted girl and one day she'll make a perfect companion for someone who truly needs her!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
She is going to be such a great guide dog! Ruby I would like to reserve a seat please on Aire Ruby!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi, Ruby!
Someone is going to be lucky having her! I am sure she will do a pawesome job!
Kisses and hugs
Our best to Winnie the Wonder Girl Pup. She has the look of a very dedicated and compassionate companion. We are in awe of the family that is able to raise her and then let her go follow her destiny.
I wish Winnie the vewy best of luck in finding the wight pawson to help and love and be loved..I think you'd bettew give Julie lots of kisses..it's pawsome what they did..it must be vewy hawd
smoochie kisses
winnie will be a wonder guide dog to some wonderful family i hope. all the best to winnie.
btw, i've moved to www.boocasanova.com. please update your link.
wet wet licks
Hi Ruby,
I am sure Winnie will be a pAWESOME guide dog to some lucky person out there. I hope she'll have a happy and meaningful time ahead.
I'm sure she'll be the bestest guide dog ever! The hoomans who raise guide dog pups are very special people willing to help others!
What a noble cause! All the VERY best to Winnie. And Julie - what a GREAT, GREAT thing you've done!!!
Tail wags,
Hi Ruby,
Thanks for telling us about Winnie - she will make a great guide dog, I know it!
I am excited that we can be flying bug twins! :) It would be pawesome if we could go trick or treating together. And it's so cool that you are going to have the same fabric for your coat as me! We really can be twinnies now.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Thanks for the award! I am going to post about it soon. :)
I'm so glad that we met Winner through you, Ruby. She is one smart AND pretty pup!
I'm both sad and happy today, though. Sad that Winnie has to leave such a great family but happy that she is going to make another family happy. I'd love to be able to keep in touch with her!
awww, what a sweet girl and a great cause.
omdog, good luck to Winnie!! I am sure her family is bummed, but they did a great job!
Oh, they train Guilde Dogs at my girl's work... she said they are wonderful, and I'm sure Winnie will be the most wonderful of the them all!
Oh my...it would be so hard to give her up...she's a bootiful dog...and she will always have a JOB...that's a good thing for us canines!!
Did you get the oil changed in Aire Ruby??? Gonna be a busy busy weekend!!!
Barkin' at ya Girl!!!
Hugs and kissies...