It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

No, that wonderful...the other wonderful time...


This year, Mom brought out all her cool decorations now that we have room for them in the new house. I thought I share a few things with you...

First up, just look at those beady eyes of his...ewwww...wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, huh?


Next there is Mr. Angry Pumpkin...


Yeah, I guess I'd be angry too with no nose and no way to sniff butts or eat snackies!

Ooooh, this is a fun one! It's a dancing tree that every time you touch it or even come near it, it dances and makes scawie noises. Mom actually had to turn it off because every time I barked he would start - hee hee hee!


Here's the newest edition to our Halloweenie family, Bart the Bat! Isn't he just the cuterest??? He used to live in a different place in the family room, but I tried to take him as my own so Mom stole him back and put him high on top the lamp so I couldn't get to him! Meany Mom!!!


And speaking of Meany Mom, I think this pretty appropriate, don't you???

witchisin is so true, so true. OK, I better go before Mom gets mad at me for that last comment. I'll be back tomorrow with some more of our spooky decorations. Hey, post some pictures if you've decorated too!!


29 Responses to "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

Duke said... 4:44 PM

What great decorations! We feel bad for the grumpy pumpkin with no mouth! How will he ever taste ice cream?!
The Witch is In sign is just too funny!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said... 5:26 PM

Your mom sure gets in the spirit of things. Mine can barely keep the house clean, let alone decorate. Oh man!


DESERT PUPS said... 5:28 PM

Woof Ruby,

Oh my dog, Keiko took one look at that spider and fainted. Mom is waving a doggie biscuit under her nose to revive her. The rest of us think the spider is pawsome. Sorry we haven't stopped by but we're blaming everything on Mom.

Desert Pups

Gus said... 6:07 PM

Oh my...that is one scary spider. We think he is the scarierist.


Lorenza said... 7:06 PM

Hi, Ruby!
All those are great decorations but my fav is Bart the Bat!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 7:26 PM

Mumsie's the worst decorator in the world...those Halloweenie things are amazing!!

Are you gonna have Aire Ruby decorated for the flight? We're sooooo excited...the pix are turning out so well!!!

I just don't know how you can maintain ur usual high standards and keep costs down, Ruby! You rock, Girl!

Love and kisses...Lacie

Ferndoggle said... 7:39 PM

Looks like you are ready for the big spooky day! I saw that last decoration and thought that Lola was at your house. Bahahahahaaaa!


Moco said... 8:03 PM

Good job on decorating your house. No doubt it is becoming a very scary place.

Asta said... 8:58 PM

We'we way to busy twying to contwol the fuzzpup, heheheheand If we had any decowations, he'd pwobably eat them ow pee on them...I love all of youws
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:59 AM

Mummy hates that spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simba x

The WriggleButts said... 3:39 AM

Oooh.. Mom misses Halloween.. And poor pumpkin. No mouth or nose really should be illegal!!


BenTheRotti said... 4:18 AM

Oh I sooo want that witch sign.. as a permanent warning to everyone that Mum is home!!

Those are cool Halloween decorations. The UK is shocking for buying Halloween decorations, everything is plastic and naff and well... just... cheap looking. Mum has to improvise every year to try and decorate the house without it looking too gaudy.
Can you believe that we are the only house on our street that decorates for Halloween???

Its the beans favourite holiday though so Mum goes all out! It's my first Halloween here so I can't wait!!

love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Balboa said... 5:57 AM

OOOOH, I think that spider might scare my mommy. hee hee

My favorite is the tree, I bet the branches would be really tasty.

Frenchie Snorts

Boo Casanova said... 6:26 AM

ruby, the spidey is soooooooooooo ewwwwwwwwwwww! get mom to hang it at the entrance. that must be even scarier!

wet wet licks


Petra said... 8:44 AM

Things look pretty scary at your house, Ruby. You could turn the lights down and give haunted house tours, and I would shake in fright!

Anonymous said... 9:58 AM


Ask Mom if she will leave the decorations up till we get to California.


Faya said... 10:12 AM

Oh ! I don't know anything about Halloween and I am not sure I will like this party..... We don't do Halloween here ..... oups....
Kisses, Faya

Clover said... 11:06 AM

Hi Ruby!
Bart the bat IS the cuterest!! I like all your decorations! :)
Love Clover xo

Beckett said... 11:37 AM

That's a lot of decorations! Very cool. My mom and I have been making some Halloween crafts and I posted about them on my bloggie.


Mack said... 12:05 PM

I know your house must be the most festive on the street!

Noah the Airedale said... 1:11 PM

Your decorations are great Ruby. We're starting to panic cause we haven't sorted our outfits for the big bash.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Peanut said... 2:49 PM

we love your house. My mom would have our house totally decorated if we had room in it

Charlie Daniels said... 3:26 PM

Is the spiders name Witch? ;-)



Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 4:28 PM

Your decorations are so scary!! Our Mom doesn't decorate much except for Christmas. Course it would be hard to see the decorations for the mess!! BOL(Sorry Mom...)

Sharon said... 6:09 PM

Hi Ruby!
Yoour mom has a lot of cool and scary decorations. That makes for a lot of fun!!!

I love your dragonfly costume! It is really cute and looks great on you, you little cutie!


Huskee and Hershey said... 2:00 AM

AHHHHHHhhhhhh... it's Itsy-Bitsy Spidey.. (looks like it's not so 'itsy-bitsy' afterall!!

Amber-Mae said... 5:02 AM

Love the decorations! We have that exact same spider too but ours has hairy legs.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said... 8:24 PM

omdog what great decorations. Mom needs one of those witch signs too!! LOLOLOL!!

Murphy Dogg said... 7:43 AM

Hey Ruby,
My Mama should have one of those signs up all year long! At least that's what Dad says...
Murphy Dogg