Halloween Hint #3

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wow...I'll have to remember some of your ideas for NEXT Halloween - hee hee hee!!!

So the final hint on my costume will be in the form of a Haiku...

Hint #3...

Could have been tasty.

I did not get to try it.

'Cause my Mom's a wimp!

Now what's THAT all about???? This is your last chance pups...remember, everypup who makes a guess is entered to win a prize too...not just the pup(s) who guess my costume!!! W00t! Just leave a comment. I'll be revealing my costume this week - aka when Mom finishes it!!!

Oh and don't forget to make sure to make your reservations for Eric, Asta & Lacie's Halloween Party at the Tower of London...I've been told it will be fun, fun, fun!!! W00t!!!


22 Responses to "Halloween Hint #3"

BenTheRotti said... 6:37 AM

I'm now utterly convinced that you are going to be a Dragonfly!

and what a beautiful dragonfly you will be, so I sooo hope I am right!


Ben xxxx

Charlie Daniels said... 6:49 AM

A cupcake?



PeeEss: Please sign me up! :-)

Snowball said... 7:38 AM

Are you going to dress as a swan? hmmm...



Mack said... 8:09 AM

oooooh I bet Ben is right!!!!

Anonymous said... 8:18 AM

I agree, I think Ben is right about the dragonfly!

Clover said... 8:44 AM

Oh I knew it!! Ben is right for sure. It's a dragonfly!
Thanks for stopping by with the Happy Thanksgiving wishes. :)
Love Clover xo

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 9:10 AM

yep-dragonfly for sure!!!!!
The haiku cinched it!

Duke said... 9:15 AM

OMG, your going to be a wallymelon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said... 9:40 AM

A pizza ice cweam??, hehehehehe
Whatevew it is I know you will be gowgeous
smoochie kisses

Beckett said... 10:25 AM

I think it must be a dragonfly! Maybe you can be Bob for *next* Halloween.


Lacy said... 10:49 AM

w00f's Ruby, me thinks u gonma b a funky chicken..

b safe,

Petra said... 10:52 AM

Yes, this hint is the best. You're going to be a dragonfly, Ruby, aren't you?!

Lady Kaos said... 3:34 PM

I'm sticking with the dragonfly. I can't wait to see the costume!

Moco said... 4:13 PM

It is probably the dragonfly. Isn't that when your mom screamed like a girl?

Aggie said... 4:57 PM

I know that everyone said you are going to be a Dragon Fly....great idea, but I know what I like to eat that looks green.....Greenie Bones!!!!!

I can't wait to see what you are...


Lorenza said... 5:34 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Yes, your are going to be a dragonfly!
Kisses and hugs

PS I would like to give you the letter "T".

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 5:58 PM

A polar bear in a snowstorm? Marshmellos on white bread? Um...

We know...the white part of a fox terrier???


Thanks Lacie....

Agatha and Archie said... 5:58 PM

Hi Dearest Ruby!!! Reservations for 2 please for the big shin dig!! I am going to have to drag Archie as he is little nervous! But he will be fine with Lacies blender!!! Love A+A

Noah the Airedale said... 6:01 PM

Ok well we agree with Ben however as a few people have guessed a dragonfly we'll go with something different....we guess your costume is going to be a spider.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Joe Stains said... 7:08 PM

I am totally lost, an Alligator??

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:43 AM

Stopping by to say hello to all my DWB friends after the weekend. Hope you are all well.

Simba x

Balboa said... 7:10 AM

I have no creativity!!!!! I love everyone else's ideas, but I have to go with Joe Stains on this and say an alligator or maybe Shrek????

Frenchie Snorts