What I still don't understand is why was she hanging with my Mom all day? There's lots of other people where my Mom works! Apparently Winnie spent the day laying on Mom's feeties and going to meetings with her and barking on conference calls...I SO could do that!!! I'm thinking Joey might be on to something...maybe my Mom is cheating on me??? She said she was helping out...but I just don't know. I'm feeling very jellyfish!!! Should I be jellyfish???
Hey, maybe all I need is one of those cool green jackets and that way I could lay on Mom's feeties and go to meetings and bark on conference calls??? What do you think???
w00f's Ruby, just think how proud u will b when Winnie gits to her furever person, and takes care of them...then u can say, heyyyy my mom helped train her...
b safe,
Rocky is right Ruby...your mom is helping big time. Plus, if you train to be a guide dog, you would have to leave your Mom and Grandma and all your relatives and go live with someone else who needed you. I think you want to rethink this before you go volunteering.
pee esss...you look BETTER in pink, anyway, though you are lovely in Green
I think this may be one time sharing your mom isn't so bad
Ruby you look awesome in green. We are so sure you could do the guide dog thing..
Have a great weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think you would look good in any color under the sun!
I just know you would be a pawsome guide dog. Who knows, maybe you'll be next!
Have a great weekend,
Your Mack
You could sooo do that..ow anything you set youw mind to..you'd be the best..and the jacket looks gweat on you, but I agwee wif Gussie..If you did this you'd have to wowk nonstop, and not be wif youw Mom and that would su%^
you get hew all the time she's not at wowk..don't be jelly, it's bad fow the complexion
smoochie kisses youw giwlfwiend
Ruby, Aren't you busy enough, what with your aviation duties? On-call 24 hours a day?
I think so!
But you sure look cute in that jacket!
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Hi, Ruby!
Our friends are right. Your mom is doing something good for Winnie.
I hope that green jacket helps you to be at work with your mom too!
Kisses and hugs
If you snag one of those vests, send me one, I bet I could get into McDonalds in one of those!
Dude... you DO NOT want to go to work. I speak from experience. I went there and underwent horrible things. If you don't remember, go back on my blog and examine the evidence. Turst me, it's nasty. Stay home and lay in the sun - that's my advice.
Sweet R-Bug!
As hard as it is, it's true. Your mama is doing something pretty cool here to help this pup-in-training and whoever her future person is. Personally, I don't think you need any more training, but they should still let you go to work with your mama.
One thing, though. You're looking mighty tough in that last photo (although your teethies are gorgeously white)! You might want to try a softer approach. I bet they'd let you go!
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Ruby, please don't be jellyfish. Your Mom works in an 'office,' and there are lots of 'office politics' that go on there...she was FORCED to be nice to Winnie, that's all!
xoxo - Bella
You'd make a pawesome trainee guide dog Ruby, afterall that green jacket suits you so well.
Noah xx
I think you should definatley get one of those jackets, just to ensure your Mom doesn't cheat on you with any other doggies, training or not its still cheating in my book.
Then again My Mama is MINE and i would challenge anypup who muscled in! Mum says I am just a big ole jealous boy!
Have a great weekend,
Ben xxxxx
Your mom's story sounds believable to us, Ruby, so don't be jelly!
We think you'd look awesome in green! You'd look awesome in any color!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You don't need a bag on your back to prove you are a guiding light, Ruby. I'd follow you anywhere!
Hello, I own a blog about guide dogs and i hope to soon be setting up a free consultation service for people who have questions about training or behavior problems. I am doing this to help other dog owners and to help raise money and awareness about guide dogs. I was wondering if you would like to be a sponsor. Being a sponsor is a great way to get publicity and people will asociate you with a great cause. http://maayangordon.blogspot.com
I would be worried about your mom cheating. WTF - you are way cuter!
Ruby...you look amazing in that Guide Dog outfit.....we think that you'd make a fab guide doggie...um...you might need some stileto heels to make urself a tad taller, Girlfriend!!
Now now...I don't think ur mom is cheatin....she just loves you soooo much that that love goes to other doggies too specially helper dogs...we think it's great she's helpin' out!
Barkin' at ya...Laciegirl
Green is good Ruby!