Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleepy Sunday #29
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I'm on a boxer kick I guess because this week's Sleepy Sunday guest star is none other than Peanut...
Isn't he so cute...awww!!! Me and my Mom are so happy that Peanut & Flash's family are ok after Ike and I'm thinking good thoughts for all the other pups in the storm's path particularly my Macky and his family.
6:00 AM | 17 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- I blame my secretary...
- Prison Break
- Sleepy Sunday #31
- The saga continues...
- So I was looking at my blogging machine today and ...
- Happy Barkday Asta!!!
- Sleepy Sunday #30
- Now this is just craziness...
- Finally taking the plunge...
- Sleepy Sunday #29
- Congratulations Presley!
- Always Remember
- This one's for you Wally...
- Sleepy Sunday #28
- I am the great huntress!
- A bit under the weather...
- Sleppy, um, Tuesday?
We're so glad that Peanut and Flash made it through Ike's nastiness too! Peanut looks pretty content!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Look at me. I'm handsome. :) I hope Mack is okay. They probably have no power.
Aw, peanut looks awful cute. I don't know if Mack evacuated or not. Hope He ad all his family are ok!!
Pee ess We need to book seats for Petey and Asta's premiere!! Thanx!!
He looks so cute and comfy there..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh my...he looks like he's settled in for a long nappie!
Ruby...I'm grounded...Mumsie saw the pic on our blog and she made me delete the whole post...she said it was disgusting...ah...my creativity stifled....
I hope you didn't throw up or anything. I have to go to my room now. Sniff...
Apologetic barks...
Hi, Ruby!
Peanut is adorable!
Glad he and his family are ok!
I hope Mack is ok too!
Kisses and hugs
Peanut is too cute! Our 'rents had a big old boxer named Ringo before we came to stay with them. We understand he was a pretty pawsome dude!
We will run on over now and check on Mack's blog! Hoping all is well with him.
Ozzie & Rocky
Hi Ruby!
Congrats to you for winning Project Dogway Week 5! You totally deserved it! I love your Wonderruby costume!
And I saw that dog show for the first time on Wednesday, about a half hour before Presley won! I was cheering for him, even though I cheered a little bit for Andrew since he has the same name as my Dad and I thought that was funny!
Love Clover xo
G'day Ruby
I've been really worried for all my friends in Ike's path. I am hoping Mack has just lot power and everything is alright!
I'm so glad Ike only hurt their tree! I am sure they lost a lot of sleep and needed a sleepy Sunday.
wally t.
joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!
I LOVE Peanut and I love you and I love all the dogs with blogs and I love sleeping, bacon, pizza, french fries, football, hammocks...
oh wait, what are we talking about????
Peanut looks so exhausted..it must have been hawd to get thwough that awful stowm..I'm so glad they'we OK..Ihope Mackie and evewyone else is too
smoochie kisses
Looks a cosy spot for a nap.
Simba x
Peanut sure is very cute getting cozy there
~ Girl girl
Gosh,that looks like a really comfy spot for a snooze!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Ruby Bug!
I always prefer to see YOUR sweet face, but if I can't see yours, at least I get to see the face of one totally cute goober boy! That Peanut has some great jowls!
Goober love,
Hello Buby!! We missed you!!!
Peanut is so adorable! Next time our human pup brudder will join you or guest star on sleepy Sunday. :D
Momo & Pinot