On Wednesday night,
Presley (they really 'hot' boxer boy who I'd love to fix my diva gal-pal
Bella up with) won the title of
Greatest American Dog - W00t!

Say what you might about the show, I have to admit it was a guilty pleasure for me! Don't get me wrong there were some owners and pups who totally annoyed me, but throughout I really was a Presley fan. Oh sure there were more well-trained pups there, but Presley really came through with flying colors - W00t! Not only did he show determination and how much he learned, but he also showed that no pup is pawfect and that to me was really important. Plus he's brindle and just darn cute...I mean look at those jowls!!! Congrats Pres...you make all us adorable but crazy pups proud - W00t!!!
Oh and speaking of winners...I was the winner of
Project Dogway Week 5 - check it out...I'm so honored!!!
Congwatulations on youw win!!! I finally agweee wif a judge,hehehe.
We taped the doggie show and hadn't seen the last episode, but I'm so jazzed that Pwesley won..I loved his enthusiasm and looks and loving ways..Wooot!
smoochie kisses
We just came from Winston and Clementine's blog! Congratulations, Ruby! Your costume is just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations Ruby, what a great costume! Your Mom is real clever to have made that.
Presley is one handsome dude, we don't get that show over here in the UK but he looks like a worthy winner to me!
Ben xxx
Presley would make a great mate for Bella. They would look great out and about together.
Congrats on your award. Your mom did a good job on that costume. You truly are Wonder Ruby Woman.
don't wowwy..we don't cawe about finding out..it's just fun to watch..some of those people wewe supew iwwitating..I'm so glad Pwesley won
Congrats on your win. I want to say of course the boxer won but that sounds kind of conceited.
Hi, Ruby!
Congratulations on your win!
I love your Wonder Ruby costume!
Kisses and hugs
Wow what an honour for Presley to win Greatest American Dog...
And a big congrats to you Ruby. Your outfit is super.
Noah xx
Congratulations! Have a great weekend.
Simba x
Once Bill and Starr were eliminated (boo hoo!!!) we were thrilled that Presley and his cutie-pie owner were in the winner's circle!
I think I would have been eliminated with the first "sit-stay!"
Your pal,
Oh Ruby....you looked amazing in that pic...your costume was like the best!
Have you noticed the increasing number of BT's in greeting cards?? You are everywhere, girl!!!
Love ya lots!!!
Congrats to Presley! Hey look...he has an underbite just like me! Ruby...you are too cool to honor himon your blog!
OMD! Do you know Presley? Can you fix us up?!? My Mom and Dad were fixed up by friends...and now they're MARRIED?! (although I overheard Mom saying she wouldn't kick Presley's owner out of bed for eating crackers. What'ya think that means?).
xoxo - Bella
PS: Congrats on your award. LOVE the outfit.
Congratulationson your win Ruby> You look mahvelous,dahling.
We wanted Bill and Star, but Presley was a good choice!! And my mom agrees with Bella's mom on the cracker thing! ha
Congrats on your much deserved win! Does your mom get to sell her line of dog costumes on Bluefly?
wally t.
My mom watches this show too. But I think it's mainly because she likes Presley's owner!