So to all my wonderful friends who have given me awards...
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I really love you all and am appreciative of you thinking of me! One day I'll convince my secretary (if I don't fire her first) to go back and post about them.
So not only does my secretary not post about bloggy awards she doesn't post about an important Gooberstanian recognition I received a few weeks back (yes, a few weeks!). I, like my diva girlfriend Asta, was awarded the Royal Order of the Pink Flamingo!!!

OMD...I just couldn't believe it when it arrived! Prime Minister Stanley and Crown Princess Stella presented it to me in a wonderful package that arrived from Gooberstan. The only thing better than receiving this prestigous honor would have been if it were presented to me by my handsome boyfriend Stanny in pawson.

Gentle kisses for this most highest of honors. I am just barkless!!!
Thank you my Stanny and Stella! You pups, your Girl and Merv are so sweet to think of me! I woof you all! Hopefully next time, my lazy secretary will not be so pokey about posting.

As you can see, I really, really, really love my flamingo!
Thank you my Stanny and Stella! You pups, your Girl and Merv are so sweet to think of me! I woof you all! Hopefully next time, my lazy secretary will not be so pokey about posting.

As you can see, I really, really, really love my flamingo!
Sweet Diva Giwlfwiend,
You awe just as loving to youw special pink Flamingo as I am..Mine is cuwwently on sick leave..wecoopewating fwom too much loving, hehehe
Stanny and Stella awe the best..we awe vewy lucky
smoochie kisses
That is the highest honor that anyone could receive from Gooberstan. You are truly blessed. Poor secretary and all.
OOOhh, isn't it wonderful!!!! I too have been honored by Stan the Man. The Mingo Mystique is indescribable, don't you think?? The Royal Order of the Pink Flamingo is not to be taken lightly!
Mine sleeps with me very night!!
What A GOOBER, What a MAN (and what a princess,Stella) Sigh....Too bad Asta has Stan's heart...
What a great gift, you are very lucky.
Simba x
You are very honored!
Stanley and Stella are just the best! They send the most perfect gifties!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
A flamingo...oh my lord how wonderful. Have fun Ruby.
Noah xxx
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I am on the verge of firing my secretary too! We have gotten so many wonderful awards from wonderful poochies and my mom didn't even bother to include them on my bloggy. Outsourcing seems pretty appealling right now...
Anyhoo, I love your flamingo! How nice of Stan & Stella to send it!
It looks like you and the pink flamingo are staring each other down in the last picture, Ruby!
I can guess who won!
Our mom is bad at posting awards too. She sat down for like 3 hours last week and finally posted them all. Mom says she likes your mom's way better... he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Our secretary has been pretty terrible lately too, what is UP with that?
HI, Ruby!
Kisses and hugs
That's such a pawsome gift from Stanley & Stella. ;)
~ Girl girl
Aw, Ruby! Congrats! I can raelly see how much you love your flamingo. Hope you enjoy lots of fun times together!
Love Clover xo
Sweet Ruby Bug!
I am finally catching up with you and all of our pup friends. It pleases me NO END that you are loving your flamingo. He was sent with a boatload of goober love and hopefully, he will continue to release that to you over time as you love on him!
He looks bootiful next to your brindle loveliness! And, of course, I know pink is your fave color... so, it works! He's a stuffie & a fashion accessory!
We love you, girlie!
Goober love & smooches,