I stole Mom's reading nook...it's mine now...all mine!!! Happy Sunday!

Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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6:34 AM | 18 Belly Rubs
What wonderful pictures of my sweet lady!!
Hope your day is filled with dreamy naps!
Woof ya,
You look very comfortable and very serene!
hmmm maybe I should take a nap!
Ben xxx
Sleeping beauty...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow, Ruby, what a spectacular cuddle spot! My Mama would kill for a sweet reading nook like that! Course, I'd probably take it over anyway ...
Murphy Dogg
Happy Sunday sweet Ruby!
Kisses and hugs
Woo. I would SO luv to sleep on the couch!
That looks comfy. My mom says she wishes she had a reading nook.
Hi Ruby!
Good work on claiming that pawesome spot! My mom says she doesn't blame you - looks like a perfect reading (or napping) spot!
Love Clover xo
No reading being done there!
oooh MOm loves that lounge chair!
That's a pawsome place to get comfy
~ Girl girl
That's a really nice pic of you Ruby!! Sweet dreams..
What a nice comfy spot, Ruby! Pleasant dreams!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You look mighty comfy there Ms. Ruby!
I am way behind on everyones blogs. Will catch up soon.
Simba x
Aww...what a cute vignette! And I love that reading nook! I want one, too!
That looks real comfy! There's nothing better than curling up on something soft and comfy! Oh.. And you wondered what breed Virus is - he's a Devon Rex cat.
Thank you for coming by and thinking about us during this sad time of ours. It means the world to us
Deetzy and Family