Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We had a jolly good time in jolly old England. Here we are at Buckingham Palace...trying to visit the Queen for some tea. We patiently waited, but nothing...not sure what was up with that...Eric was so frustrated he climbed to the top of the palace to see if he could find her. Oh well, maybe next visit.

The Puppies (Opal, Maggie & Marshall) really enjoyed their time in London. George was a great host showing us around and telling us some great stories. Look at Kaci & Hershey just soaking it all in...they were just mesmerized! Doesn't Lola look like she should be wearing one of those fuzzy guard hats - hee hee hee. All Lorenza and Clover wanted to do was go to Harrod's to go two!!!! Oh and there was Rocky just so excited to be there - W00t!

I really think we'll be coming back to England...hey, maybe in 4 years for the next Summer Paw-limpics!!!

Oh...and can you see what Scruffy did??? He's been practicing his flying skills...AND...his sky writing skills. You've come a long way Scruffy!!!! Thanks!!! Woot!


8 Responses to " "

Lacy said... 1:16 PM

w00f's ruby, didnt we all haff the bestest time...we went all over the world...and congrats to aire ruby on her year annieversary...

b safe,

Asta said... 1:19 PM

England was divine..but I weally think it was wude of the queen not to invite us in fow tea..some hoomans have no mannews
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 1:56 PM

What the queen wouldn't come out and have tea with you?? What is up with that...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Joe Stains said... 4:14 PM

SCruffy is super talented for sure, what a pawesome trip. Good thing dogs don't need passports.

Lola Smiles said... 6:57 PM

Thanks so much Air Ruby for flying my big butt & ears around! It's too bad the Queen didn't want to hang out over a cup of tea - a pity!
You guys rock!!

luv ya
Lola Smiles

Lorenza said... 7:06 PM

Hi, Ruby!
We had to take the chance and go shopping! Ha!
Kisses and hugs

The Puppies said... 10:21 AM

Thanks Ruby!! We had an awesome time in England! George sure did do a good job hosting us all!! We looks forward to more Aire Ruby adventures in the future!!! Now we have to fill Mom in on all the fun!!
The Puppies

Duke said... 4:26 PM

Thanks for posting all the pictures so we can see all the fun we missed!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

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