He really liked reading all your comments, so there may be another Bob post later this week. And I didn't bark at him for using my blogging machine...I would never do that! Oh and news on Cooper...he actually came out in the yard with me today! For about 10 whole seconds! I really don't know what his deal is...I was super sweet and didn't even bark. If he were a girl dog he would totally be part of the diva club that is for sure!
Now on to some super excitering things...PREZZIES! I got some super nice house-breaking, I mean house-warming prezzies from my handsome boyfriend Mack and my PA pals Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan - W00t! I didn't get too many photos, I was way too excitered for that, but here are a few...

Could we please get on with this...I smell something pawtastic in here!!!

I smell terrierests!!!
First up...sweetness from my sweetie...

I gots a lovely lamby to cuddle with from Mack, a stickie pad where Paris was the model (I gave that to Mom) and finally a homemade bone out of Tia Lilly's kitchen...yum. I just love everything...thank you all (especially my Mack) for everything.
Next up...Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan goodness...

Next up...Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan goodness...

This shot was really hard to stand still for because I got a bag 'o' terrierest fur! Unbelievable! Fantabulous! Lacie...where do you get your highlights? If that wasn't the bestest, I got a bag 'o' treats, and a new friend!!! You see I've barked on my blog that I was kinda lonely at the new house so my 3 terrierist pals sent me a new friend! She is so cute...I named her Misty (like Misty May-Trainor the beach volleyball goddess!). And we even have matching dresses too - W00t! Pups...you are so thoughtful! Thank you so so so so much - W00t!
OK, off for another round of bitey face! I promise to let Bob blog again before he goes home, oh, and Aire Ruby will have a special announcement this week!!!
OK, off for another round of bitey face! I promise to let Bob blog again before he goes home, oh, and Aire Ruby will have a special announcement this week!!!
Wow Ruby what great stuff! You look great in your dress! It was so nice of mack to send you a present! Maybe I need to send Roxy something...?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
How sweet and thoughtful of Mack and Lacie, Scruffy and Stan! Misty is adorable! She's a mine-YOU, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That Bob looks like one cool dude. Can he come here and play with me?
You got a haul and well deserved.
Hey, Ruby Girl!
Those house warming gifts are very cool! Mack really knows how to make his woman happy, and Lacie & the gang are practically telepathic in the way they give gifts! Have fun with Misty. I bet she'll want to watch the gold medal game with you!
I've heard that my girl might actually get off her big lazy booty and put your goober gram in the mail sometime this year, but I can't tell you for sure when that will be. It's nothing big, but it signifies how much we love you and how excited we are about your new digs!
Goober love & smooches,
Oh I am so glad you like the pressies! And I just know you are loving that pretty new house of yours!
Your Macky
We liked Bob, but we didnt really believe all that drama he was spouting. seriously.
Those are some great pressies! can't wait for the announcement!
Hi, Ruby!
You got very nice presents!
I want to see you wearing your new dress!
Kisses and hugs
Super pressies you got there Ruby.
Wow a special announcement...better not miss out on this. Wonder what it is....
Great new pressies Ruby! I think your friend that has the matching dress with you is suppose to be a Boston like you too! Great name for your new pal!
You have a dress ! good
You got some lovely presents. You are so lucky..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That is the best stuffie! My mom wants one now, haha.
Great pressies, Ruby! I know you don't love clothes, but that dress looks like it will be really cute on you!
Love Clover xo