Hey everypup! I'm here!!! In my new house!!! And I'm digging it!!! I'll tell you all about it in the next few days.
I think un-packing is worse that packing!
I must go back to sleepervising now...
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
Dogster Profile | Blogger Profile
Send me Pee-mail...
8:53 AM | 17 Belly Rubs
Yay, we're glad to see you! Can't wait to see pics. :)
PS If you sleep long enough when you wake up it'll be done. Like magic.
Hi, Ruby!
Glad you are at your new home enjoying it!
Yes, my mom says that un-packing is a nightmare!
Good job with the sleepervising!
Kisses and hugs
Mom hates unpacking. She still has boxes from when we moved in in November. She says it's because she doesn't have any room to put the stuff but I know it's because she's lazy.
We can't wait to see pictures of your new house, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're being a great helper by napping and staying out of your mom's way, Ruby. I'm glad you are in your new home and digging it!
That's a great photo Ruby.
Glad you're liking the new place.
tail wags
Hi Ruby!
We hope the unpacking isn't too rough fur ya!
Our humans say they feel your pain.
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Oh Ruby! I bet you are the best sleeperviser ever! I know unpacking is not fun (mom told me so), but as soon as it is all done, you will have so much fun at home!!
Love Clover xo
Unpacking is way less fun than packing! Happy sleepy sunday! Enjoy it!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Ruby...we need ur new address....we have a little housebreakin' er housewarmin' pressie for ya....email us at
so we can get this in the mail!!!!!
Lotsa Terrier Lovin'...
Stan, Scruff and Lac
congratulations on your new home! we are so excited for you and cannot wait to hear all about it.
m & e
We missed you! Congrats on the new house!
I can't wait to see the rest of your new home .. it looks like you might have found the best spot in the house right there! :-)
I'm so glad you feel at home and like youw new place..you suwe found a gweat napping spot!
we think unpacing is vewy hawd too..
You can come to my bloggie and take one of my cat fwiends and go to theiw bloggie and ask them to be youw NOMSSF
They wellay awe sweeties
smoochie kisses
Glad you made it! I would come help you unpack but I am scared of boxes.
OH we are so happy for you. You finally made it to your new home.. We can't wait to see pictures...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ruby Bug!
You are always adding to my vocabulary... sleepervising... hehehe.
Glad you've staked out at least one good snooze spot. I bet there are plenty more where that one came from.
Can't wait to see the rest of the place!
Goober love & smooches,