We tried to make Gussie as comfortable as possible. Heck, he was treated like a king...crown and all! What a trooper one day home after surgery and he's flying around the world with us. Gussie...it wouldn't have been a pawty without you...thanks so much for coming.
Gussie was never alone for long...aside from the nursies, he had a constant stream of visitors...mainly because that is where all the snackies were - W00t! Teka was catching up with Willow, Tess and Lucy. Oh and Bella the Boxer - my diva gal pal - was there too. I really think she was digging those pawtinis a little too much. Pearl was really enjoying the lounge eating lots of snackies of course. Maggie & Mitch decided to take a day off of their vacation and served as a pawtenders...thanks pups! And finally getting some quality boy-talk was Noah and Gussie. Wonder what they were comparing notes on???? hmmmmm....
Oh wait...here come the nursies...Gus, better lay off of those pawtinis before you get in trouble!
Gus was living large for sure. I bet Rodney is sad he missed this trip!
The luxuwy on youw plane is what ade it possible fow Gussie to be pawt of this celbwation! He is a twoopew, and that bed was heavenly..Maggie and Mitch have pawfected those pawtinis..sluwppsluwp...thank you again fow making all this possible..you took some gweat pictoowes!
smoochie kisses
Hi Ruby..thanks again to you and your Mom for making me sooooo comfortable on this trip. And don't worry, I'm being careful with the pawtinis. I know I'm not supposed to have alcohoool with my pills, so I have only had one...so far.
Oh my goodness, you were right about those pawtinis. I have a whopping headache...I'll have to wait to write about our adventure until tomorrow. I'm taking two aspirin and going to bed.
xoxo - Bella
Looks like another great trip.
Simba x
Yeah well you know, we gotta have some boy talk now and again.