P(ee)S:Special thanks to Asta on helping with the pictures...don't forget to check out her bloggy - W00t!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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6:00 PM | 9 Belly Rubs
This is the best night of my life!
Thanks for letting me come and have the time of my life.
Good to see you and Mack getting some alone time.
We had so much fun. It was a great trip. Thanks Ruby
Hi Ruby!
I'm Scottie...so nice to meet you! Wow,you all sure had a wonderful time! Love the photos of all of you chilling,relaxing and having fun at all those places you've visited! Umm...is it possible if I join you all in the next pawty? I do so would like to experience what's it like...*grins* Will be checking back soon!
Dawling Ruby
Thank you fow all youw wowk and fow all the fun and tweats and dwinkies and oppowtunity to see ouw fwiends and faboolous places..Pawis is the mostwomantic city in the wowld!!!!
smoochie kisses
I'm just doing a quick visit today 'cause I have so many places to go and things to see. I'll come back for a longer stay soon.
It was such a super fun trip. I loved seeing everyone, and we have some great memories from the pictures now!
Love Clover xo
Ruby sweet...I am glad you and Mack had a chance to sneak away for a short time. You have worked so hard flying us all around. Thank you one more time
Ah Ruby, it was so nice to see you have break from flying and get a private moment with Mack in the romanic city of Paris.
I went to a patissierie in mon marche, I like girlies that can bake snackies.....