I haven't had any homemade in a real long time, but Mom got this new foodable toy that has made making Frosty Paws a breeze...check it out!

It truly is magic!
Mom mixed some yogurt and peanut butter and honey...yum. She finished it off by dropping a big, juicy blueberry right in the middle...ahhhh blueberries, I love me my anti-oxidants!

Little hearts...so cute!

No, the photo was not taken upside down! This is the torture I had to go through just to lick the spoon!!!

Peanut butter, what peanut butter?

Little hearts...so cute!

No, the photo was not taken upside down! This is the torture I had to go through just to lick the spoon!!!

Peanut butter, what peanut butter?
Now I must be patient and wait for all that frosty goodness. I suppose while the frosty paws are getting frosty, I can participate in my preferred Chillaxympics event...napping.
Oh and before I forget...I'm so happy Jackson pulled through his op-paw-ration yesterday and is doing OK - W00t! But he still needs us to send him some healing vibes. So cross those paws while you are chillaxing today...I know that is what I will be doing!
P(ee)S: Petey came up with a really interesting idea about Jackson, it's his barkday on Friday. If he is home and it is OK with his nurses Lacie, Asta and Koobie, should we hop on Aire Ruby and pay him a surprise visit? Nurses, what is your medical opinion? Do you think the Js will mind?
P(ee)S: Petey came up with a really interesting idea about Jackson, it's his barkday on Friday. If he is home and it is OK with his nurses Lacie, Asta and Koobie, should we hop on Aire Ruby and pay him a surprise visit? Nurses, what is your medical opinion? Do you think the Js will mind?
I think it would be wondewful to go suwpwise Jackson..we can't ovewtiwe him, but I'm suwe A little celebwation would be gweat!
Youw fwosty paws awe pawfect..I love youw Mom's new machine
smoochie kisses nuwse ASTA
Ruby!! We have a magic bullet too! It is so pawesome for Frosty Paws. (And smoothies for my parents.)
I also have that heart shaped ice cube tray - my mom makes my ice cubes in there. :)
Hope you get to taste the frosty paws soon!!
Love Clover xo
As a nurse in training I would strongly suggest a lot of smooches from me would facilitate his healing quite nicely.
Paris Rain, RN
Ruby, our mum has one of those obnoxiously noisy machines too! AND she made frosty paws that look a LOT like the ones your Mum made... great minds think alike, right? Even the blueberry was the same!
M & I
Love the innocent peanut butter face! So kissable!
What a way to celebrate moving to your new home! Heart-shaped frosty paws! You lucky girl!
I'd love to hop on board Aire Ruby if the nurses give the okay.
I wondew if we could book Aiw Ruby fow a Birfday fly -By and to ciwcle the dogstaw fow Jackson's Birfday?
He's doing much bettew and should be home by Fwiday (his birfday)..he won't be able to celebwate wif us yet, but I think we should do something anyway
smoochie kisses
My mom has that kitchen toy. She never uses it. It sits in the cupboard. I am going to demand she make me some frosty paws. Going to see Jackson sounds like a great plan
My frosty paws are made in a heart tray too! How pawesome is that?!
That looks really yummy. We can almost taste the blueberry..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I have seen the Magic Bullet on VERY late night TV over here in Australia. Those frosty paws look fantastic :-)
Please forgive Paris' tarti-ness.
Eat those blueberries, girl!
I want my lady to be healthy!
We love that picture with peanut butter on your lips, Ruby! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Ruby!
Yummy frosty paws!
I am not a nurse but of course I'd love to go and see Jackson!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Ruby, your home made frosty paws look so pawsome! I'm drooling here! JX
Looks like you are a dedicated athlete in the Chillaxympics!