Thanks for all the well wishes...me and Mom really appreciate it. I'll catch ya on Friday!
The camera is unfortunately all packed away so you'll have to settle for a classic Ruby shot.
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
Dogster Profile | Blogger Profile
Send me Pee-mail...
8:33 PM | 28 Belly Rubs
Ouw good wishes go wif you Ruby..I'm suwe youw new place will be faboolous.you and youw Mom will be thewe that's what counts
smoochie kisses
We just know you're going to love it! Be safe and we can't wait to see pics!
ALL pics of you are a classic my Rubes!!
This is just so exciting! I can't wait to see pics of the new place. I know you will miss your apartment though.
Good luck in you new home.
Simba x
We hope your move goes smoothly, Ruby! We can't wait to see your new place!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I know the move will be a good one ...cya soon
Ah the move will be great. Can't wait to see your new place. Oh and hey I would be honored to be a guest on sleepy sunday.
Moving Sucks!
My human packed all my crap away too when we moved. I had nothing but a rawhide. It was horrible.
The move was so exhausting that I had to sleep all day!
Hope the move goes well for you!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Ruby,
Of course I will not forget you, silly! But I sure do miss you a lot. Best wishes for your move - it will be over before you know it!
Love Clover xo
We know that you are going to do well in the new place. We will be thinking of you during the move.
I love the classic Ruby picture! Oh, good luck on your big move!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ruby Bug!
Asta is right. Your new place will feel like home in NO TIME because you and your mama are there.
Be sure to show your mama where your new fave nap spots are, and make sure she picks a convenient place (or places) to store treats and snacks.
Can't wait to see the place. Casa de Ruby is ON THE MOVE!
Goober love & smooches,
Your Stanny
Hi Ruby!
Good luck with the move! We hope everything goes smoothly!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Ruby Bleu! You are going to love your new home, and I can't wait to see pictures of it. I'm thinking of you today and hoping that all goes better than you can imagine during your move.
WOOO! Packing doesn't sound like fun. I can't wait to hear from you when you get settled!!!
Hi, Ruby!
I can't wait to see your first post from your new house! I am sure it will be pawesome!
Have fun.
Kisses and hugs
Hey Ruby. You'll do just fine. We all moved almost a year ago now and we didn't miss a beat. Plus you're gonna love having your own yard and before you know it, you'll be laying by the pool in your pink polka-dot bikini!
The Fleas
Ruby...we told Gussie the same thing we're gonna tell you...when you move, all of us doggies etc move right with ya...Yep...no lapse in friendship for ya...we'll all be waitin' for ya to boot up the puter at ur new place...
HEY...what bout Aire Ruby? Where are you going to put her? Oh My...she is movin' with ya isn't she? I feel faint.
Now stay safe in ur move and we'll see ya on Friday!!!!!
OMDOG YAY! Have fun moving, can't wait to see the new place!!
We know you'll feel right at home as soon as your toys and bed and other stuff are unpacked!!
Did you all sit down for a moment before you left the old place to be sure the happy house gods came with you?
Will there be a new runway right outside for Aire Ruby??
So many questions!1 We can;t wait to see your new digs.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Good luck in you new home Ruby. I hope you find lots of nice places to sleep.
Love George
Can't wait to see pictures of yor new "diggs"!
oh ruby, didn't know you are moving. that's bcoz i haven't been reading. :( sorry.
are you moving to a house?
wet wet licks
Hey Ruby, hope the move went well and you're now sorted in your new digs. J x
Thanks for your kind words left on my blog, it means a lot to me and the Js.
Good luck with the big move. I like you in your pink ribbon.
This is so exciting!! Good luck with the move and I am sure you will love your new home!
Hey Rubes! Are you exhausted after your move? Have you been in the pool yet?
Aw Ruby...are you moving to a new doggie house? I'm sure your toys will make it there AOK! Just make sure to spread lots of peemail everywhere so everybody knows you moved into the neighborhood!
Love that pic!
love & licks,